Pretty much yesterday's news

6  2017-03-20 by unclepaul84


I love that he's nigger rich and will bee back to struggling comic if everyone turns on him.

At least then he'd be funny again.

What happened?

His latest show has a 94% on rotten, but no one here watched it since a broad is the main character, and 5 out of the 5 main characters are broads. Would be my guess.

She was fine when she was Bonby Hill.

Got danggit!!!

Well he stood in fron on the door not allowing the girls to leave... wait you probably mean something else.

I mean if anything happened recently. Someone lauded that he might be finished, but thats impossible

The two names show? Like Horace.and something? If that i saw it and it.literally was people having conversations, no intentional jokes, just talking

Horace and Pete. But no that's not the show.

Obvious Rapist. Is Obvious.

What the fuck is on his head? I for one wont tolerate it.

So louie wears those fucking faggot hipster glasses now too. And is that beanie supposed to look ridiculous?

You ain't digging the Lesbian Lou look?

This calls for a specialist, someone who can remove hat and glasses,in a single shot.

Got danggit!!!