I'd poke her in da cooter, fawk yea.

50  2017-03-19 by ricswrangler


she's hot. She has awesome legs.

She's a disgusting pig and her cringeworthy videos deserve to be savaged. That sow Amy Schumer is hotter than this cow cunt. Fours do not become eights because they have a vagina and enjoy O&A.

" 4 become 8 if you 4 twice. "

Ancient Chinese ploverb

Well, there's no arguing your ancient Chinese wisdom.

Son...who hurt you?

Those knees tho

Jim really should pursue this woman (let's be real, we know it's going down in the DM).

"No, you see I met her and she had tattoos and real civilian vibe about her"

"She had a glass of wine with dinner, and I didn't want to take advantage of her"

She had an alcohol smell on her breath after a glass of wine with dinner. I didn't want to kiss her and possibly relapse

It will play out for her like the English speaking prostitute in Ichi the Killer

Bet she got gnarly feet.

Her face is a gnarly foot.

She has that mannish jaw line that jimmy loves

We should get her to do an AMA if she's not here already. Hey Miss Crazy Lady, if you're reading this, say hi and indulge our psycopathy for a spell.

I think she's on a kratom binge for the weekend

Kratom claims another innocent soul. Step gently, sweet angel.

You must be a true Reddit faggot to request those stupid ass AMAs.

Ah, go fuck yourself. I just want her crazy ass to drop in and say hi. She's the one woman guaranteed to not feel alienated by us.

Unlike you, some of us come on here to get away from retarded women.

Well, we come here to embrace them.

Gold prease

Calm yourself, sir. Christ, you want one nutty bitch to show herself and suddenly it's like you think women should be allowed to post here as a right or even be permitted to use the internet.

I'm pretty sure he used to be a dude.

this mother of three might be in over her head drawing the affections of the likes of us

Or this could be a true romance situation where the gentlemen here shepard this princess to her schizophrenic prince.

Oh, she's above ground pool trash! Fantastic.

Her tattoo also tells her what the WiFi signal is.

Hey hun, take a pic of your feet in open toe F-me pumps, please.

Whos dis bitch

Yeah, who the fuck is this receptacle and why should I care?

She calls herself Mrs. Chip Chipperson and does bad chip tweets. Hopefully she's stalking Jimmy and is going to murder/suicide with him soon.

Let's hope for the latter

Darth Vader?

She's got a bunch of moles and over-manicured eyebrows (which means if they weren't they'd be crazy bushy) and she's an old lady. Any woman (with a decent body) can take 100 pics and cherry-pick the ones that make them look good. Then add several filters to them to blur out imperfections. She does not look good up close and in person, let alone at 6am after a hook-up. I met plenty of girls with more attractive pics than this on Tinder, where I was nervous "This chick is too hot, she's not gonna like me" come to find out, it's all a lie, they're not that hot. I'm not trying to be a buzz-kill, but if a chick is a 7 in the pics she posts online, she's a 5 in real life.

You say that like it will actually deter people here.

Jim is a 5 foot 1 bald 53 year old. Let's not forget.

Oh, for Jim she's a fucking catch, she appears to have a decent job, so it's not just a gold-digger thing, she's obviously as close to/if not more mentally ill than him. His level of "fame" only offers so much, if he were Jim from Home Depot, he'd have a 250lb cunt of a wife. I was speaking in general terms. I assume there's some normal looking guys on here (amongst the 300lb hideous trolls/truckers) who are still shitty people, but have some level of standards of the girls they fuck. If I looked like Jim, I would fuck anything I could get.

Let's say you were theoretically stuck in prison. What would you fuck then?

I get it

No need to exaggerate when the truth is embarrasing enough.

He is barely 5 foot. He's bald. He's 50. Hardly exaggerating bro

Fair. Just saying he can maybe delude himself into going 'pfff....I'm 5'6 140 49 year old man. This guy has it all wrong'.

For real. I have seen Jimmy stand next to Matt Serra who is also 5'6 and they were both the same height.

excuse me AppleBonfire, jim is actually 5 Foot 6 and is 48 yrs old.

Her knee looks like a pokeball

I'd have her poke my balls you know what I'm sayin'

I want her to fondle my genitals, you see.

It looks trashy, who is it ?

Where is she from? If she's less than an hour away from me, I might hit it and post pics on here.

Girls who perpetually cover one half of their face with their hair are most likely candidates for a diagnosis of histrionic, borderline or narcissistic personality disorders. They have a penchant for making desperate moves including suicidality when threatened with abandonment. They exact revenge in cold and calculated ways when rejected. What this means is that this girl would fuck you to get back at her best friend and claim she was pregnant with your child until she suddenly has a "miscarriage" and claims more attention for herself.

That's a little deeper than I would go by saying "Bitch just coverin' up da ugly side". I'm no brain-scientist though, so you may be right.

Well, that's part of it. "Covering up the ugly side" figuratively. But the ugly side always comes out to shine eventually

I call shenanigans on your "diagnosis".

If she's serious about Jim she should stop bathing because he gets turned on by armpit BO and ass funk. Also make sure your pussy is meaty as possible. Maybe do some pussy work outs to get swole or get silicone injections. But he needs a nice fuckin' meaty pussy or he's immediately leaving you.

I first looked at the pics and was like "well, what do we have here"

Then I read the comments ... you guys are professional dick softeners

bitch got silly knees

Evelyrun has needs

Who is this guy?

She's from Philly, must roll with the Philly crew or sumpthin.

She is hot, but has crazy-person eyebrows

Is she a tranny?

She's actually not bad. Reminds me of the hot chick from The Path.



I'd kick her in the twat

she's a bit thin, but she probably eats ass so I'm all in.

She definitely does, in fact it's probably the first thing she'd do. Before she'd even kiss you, she'd drop your kecks push you back on the bed, hike your legs up and go to town. She's got the look.

She's got that, used to be a street walker vibe but sort of pulled her life together, but the crazy is still there.


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She has a touch of Chelsea Handler face. Just a touch.

Cool back tat yo.

No ass and an above-ground pool LOL

She's a disgusting pig and her cringeworthy videos deserve to be savaged. That sow Amy Schumer is hotter than this cow cunt. Fours do not become eights because they have a vagina and enjoy O&A.

Fair. Just saying he can maybe delude himself into going 'pfff....I'm 5'6 140 49 year old man. This guy has it all wrong'.

For real. I have seen Jimmy stand next to Matt Serra who is also 5'6 and they were both the same height.

Those knees tho