Ron Bennington calls Opie a faggot.

48  2017-03-19 by Nulltor


Ron is just the best. Also, apparently we have a similar YouTube feed. I've been meaning to listen to this whole clip.

God bless Ron Bennington! Calling the guy who made him a multimillionaire in the world's most brutal media market, and on a medium that's dying a quick death, a faggot.

Lol, yeah, I remember when Opie crafted the Ron & Ron show back in 80's Tampa. Also I remember when Opie brought the show back as Ron & Fez and moved them to NYC and then transferred them over to WJFK.

Remember when Opie and Anthony got the slot after Stern? Oh yeah, that was R&F.

No no sir, none of that happened. You're mistaken.

Go to sleep Gregg.

Where we at with the sunset pics now that the sun is setting on his career?
