Remember when Gregg & Tony went on Letterman and Tony shit on Howard Stern for 5 minutes, then Gregg told his captivating story about the time he met Ron Howard? Because Ron Howard played Opie? The audience was so enthralled they sat in complete silence the whole time Gregg spoke

2  2017-03-19 by [deleted]



That was embarrassing--like listening to someone's precocious 10 year old tell a go nowhere story and everyone has to pretend to be impressed. Keep in mind, letterman's show on CBS, especially post-2000 was very regimented and managed with the pre-interviews and everything going through the producers, at this time the Stangels. So this is the story, bumping into Ron Howard at a Starbucks, that Opie mustered to the table. Their Leno appearance was similar--Ant took control, was conversational and funny (probably had a few beers in the green room), good rapport and timing, then Opie's sitting there awkwardly like a kid at his 8th grade graduation trying to not fart or fall asleep.