Joe "The Ego" Rogan needs to prove a paleontologist wrong and leaves him exacerbated at 12:20

3  2017-03-18 by Crownenberg


where did he try to prove him wrong?

OP couldn't be a dumber fuck. I hope you go to bed knowing you're a pile of shit.

I'm so glad I've made you emotional, sweetie. Take a snapshot of your butthurt face

What kind of sad fat man's life have you lived when you're a paleontologist with a dew yellow beard, and have the fashion sense of Kevin Smith? Oh and he has 23-year-old white trash father tattoos.

everyone is after that tv show in LA I suppose

I think this is more interesting than the two of them arguing about some stupid ass point.

Why did you just make me watch them open beers. Dafuq is this shit?

exacerbated is a verb you fucking retard

You used it as a noun my nigga.

You just BODIED that grammar ignorant motherfucker!!!


shut it spade

Rogan needs to lay off the booze. He's having more and more podcasts go south because of it.

Did you say the wrong time or are you retarded? Both maybe?

Did you come up with "the ego" or is that going around now?

Can I suggest Joe "Shetland" Rogan?


It's exasperated you nothing

This is one of my favorite Joe Rogan clips, Eric Dubay gets the shit kicked out of him. But they're both kind of wrong in this exact moment, apes can be classified as monkeys. It really depends on which classification system you're using so it's somewhat ambiguous. Here's a good video explaining it:

I remember hearing this live and thinking this moment was weird for some reason. Rogan blows right past all the interesting topics of conversation that this guy just brought up all because Joe heard the word "gibbon".

You used it as a noun my nigga.