16  2017-03-18 by IHatePeopleDotCom



I have an empty bucket downstairs, I'm going to go scream into it for awhile then come back up here and make a post about how proud I am of myself.

inspiring title, sir.

That's from this subreddit. I remember reading it here and enjoying it the first time.

hoo hoo

I remember the first time I posted this on /pol/. Feels good to see it ascend to more prominent corners of the internet.

that was you?

its fucking poetry

It wasn't me, I thought it was awesome so reposted it.

eh still, fawking poetry

Do you guys get that triggered by a comedian shitting on Trump? Like do you actually take offence? Do you know how fucking faggy that makes you look?

Jesus christ that fat fuck really has you lot by the balls

What fag wrote this? I hope you're not proud? Whom ever you love and hold dear in life, I wish a violent rape.

Colin Quinn posts as anon and shits on his friends all over the internet

aw look somebody tried to be clever.

that was you?

its fucking poetry

Do you guys get that triggered by a comedian shitting on Trump? Like do you actually take offence? Do you know how fucking faggy that makes you look?

Jesus christ that fat fuck really has you lot by the balls