Kurt Eichenwald (lied about having seizure) refuses to answer question and tries to run out clock. Watch this asshole for a bit and tell me if you believe anything he says

44  2017-03-18 by I_want_Forbin



He got a guy arrested for sending him a GIF of a flashing light saying "i hope you get a seizure" Id bet the lives of my family hes lying. Thats the type of person he is and yhis video demonstrates it

I don't think I am a big supporter of his.

The guy got arrested? Was this in Canada or some shit? How is it not the guy with the seizures fault?

Yeah exactly control yourself sir

The guy who was arrested faces a possible 10 year sentence.
I hereby declare that Kurt Eichenwald shall henceforth be referred to only as "That Faggot Kike."

He's an actual journalist who's written about corporate malfeasance, pedophilia, and 9/11.

Rrrright. Those topics make him a real journalist. How about his journalistic skills? Oh ya he doesnt have them. He cant answer a yes/no question because he lied about this

I'm not saying that covering those topics makes him a real journalist, but rather the broad body of work that is his career does. On this issue, sure he obfuscates, I grant that and don't defend his inability to answer a yes/no. But how can you expect him to honor or respect the forum when Tucker introduces him like this? Is Tucker still pretending to be a real journalist?

Who cares who asked the question. Its a valid question

Sure, it's a valid question, so let him answer it. Not all yes/no questions are served with a yes/no answer.

That's Tucker's shtick. Introduce your guest with thinly veiled insults and then proceed to talk over them when they start to respond to your questions. Same thing O'Reilly and Hannity have been doing for decades. The internet trolls eat it up.

Yep. William F Buckley would be rolling over in his fancy grave.

Seems like a huge fag.

The pedophilia thing is interesting because he was apparently "researching" kiddy porn in secret for months for a story he hadn't told anyone about. He paid a boy who he thought was underage 2 grand before he wrote his story and talked about how he "rescued" the kid from that life. Of course as a reporter he shouldn't give someone he writes about money for the story and he should inform his editors he was doing so. But his editors didn't know about he payment until it came up in a court case. And when it did he claimed he asked for the money back before he decided to write the story and it was essentially a loan. But in another variation of the lie he asked for the money back when he decided to write the story.

Oh and the 2 grand was for an auction to win the boy for the night and Eichenwald would only give the money to the kid if he gave him his real name and real address. He then flew and met the guy and when he realized he wasn't underage, only then did Eichenwald reveal he was a reporter. But he only decided to contact his editors about the possible child porn angle days later when he said he wanted to leave the porn business.

And of course never once did he let the cops know he was studying kiddy porn or tell them he met a guy who had been involved in porn when he was underage and now wanted help to get out of it.

All in all the guy is a creep and a liar.


I believe you misspelled his ethnic group there.

Yes yes, we know, everyone who you disagree with politically fucks kids I've been on reddit before.

Excellent summary, however you forgot to mention that Eichenwald was an ADMINISTRATOR on the child porn site.

Source: http://www.counterpunch.org/2007/09/14/new-york-times-reporter-was-a-member-of-an-illegal-underage-porn-site-claims-he-was-only-quot-posing-as-online-predator-quot/

Was this a perverted justice sting?


Why not? I bet Frag caught him.

The fallout from Eichenwald's article on Justin Berry included the arrest and prosecution of the men not named Kurt Eichenwald who were administrators of the child porn site. As part of their defense, they had Kurt Eichenwald's subpoenaed including his AOL history, yahoo chat history, bank account information, western union transactions and phone records. That information was incredibly strong evidence that Eichenwald was a co-conspirator in running a child porn site and not a good samaritan/journalist. While those men are still in jail, Eichenwald has never been charged.

im lost on this one

I didn't know that particular tidbit. How the fuck is this jackass not in prison being gang raped in the showers?

That's a great question. It's so troubling that Newsweek employs him.

Maybe he's not such a bad guy after all. Shuuuua.

Lol, actual journalist. Good one fag.

He said mean things about trump, so virgin queerboys don't like him.

Trump sucks

Eichenwald is a coward liar scum.

I hate playing that on attach. Shit tier choke point.

"Could you answer the question"


"OK. Heres the question. What--"


And when he does he goes into the gettysburg address filibustering the time away

so fucking haaaatable

Nah, Tucker wouldn't let him finish what would have been a 90 second response. Eichenwald didn't handle it well, but he's a better journalist than Carlson, hands down.

It was a yes or no question. Was trump in a mental hospital? And he goes on a soliloquy

It was a yes/no question, after a slanderous intro, that required a nuanced, complicated answer. Good TV journalists recognize this, Tucker does not.

Was trump in a mental institute?

Hes not schrodingers trump. He was either in one or not

You are such a whiney little bitch if you're that distraught about your stupid bullshit why don't you just fuck off and die?

Im just annoyed.

But you seem shaken. Are you ok

I don't know. I doubt it, but I was hoping to hear Eichenwald explain himself. But Tucker wouldn't let him.

Actually at first tucker just reads the tweet and the guy BTFO's him and says I'll just explain the tweet to you since you're not a journalist and you're not gonna ask a question. Tucker sits there in silence like a bitch and then when the dude starts saying shit that is too damaging to trump he interrupts him with a new question and then acts flabbergasted when the dude insists on finishing his first answer. Dummy.

this is actually one of the few tucker shows i've watched

when he brought out that book it got fuckin crazy

The one with the teen vogue writer was good too

That was a classic. She kept making retarded faces and saying Ivanka smelled like vanilla and should be held accountable (for smelling like vanilla?).

Meanwhile, I'm sure the teen voguer's 5-part expose on how the Clintons paid for Chelsea's $3,000,000 wedding is right around the corner.

The time Carlson sandbagged Erik Wemple from The Washington Post was good, as well. I had no idea those glass house cocksuckers did shit like that.


Who gives a fuck.

The guy in jail for sending a GIF to him

Is he your friend?

Everyone is my friend. You too

Not one of those faggy libs are ya

Hello friend.

Will you be my friend?

Well if you send someone with epilepsy a gif that can trigger seizures along with a message saying you hope he has a seizure even if he doesn't have a seizure you sent him that gif thatCOULD have ended in that result and your message with it shows willful intent to cause bodily harm. You can go to jail for that. If I said someone powdered sugar in the mail with a letter that says "this is anthrax.. I hope you die" even though it isn't anthrax and he won't die I can't say "lolol I was making my Pepe friends laugh! No crime here!" I committed terrorism and I'd be arrested. A lot of people get themselves in trouble doing stupid shit. That's their own fault. The sinus nuffin defense doesn't work.. not even for trump fans.

He didn't just send a gif, though. He looked up content from epilepsy.com and saved incriminating screenshots to his icloud account. He then bragged to his friends about sending the gifs, saying he hoped he caused a seizure and killed Eichenwald. I have no sympathy for this guy, he's an idiot.

He didn't just send a gif, though. He looked up content from epilepsy.com and saved incriminating screenshots to his icloud account. He then bragged to his friends about sending the gifs, saying he hoped he caused a seizure and killed Eichenwald. I have no sympathy for this guy, he's an idiot.

This is going to be a case of prosecutorial misconduct. Charging the guy with assault will come back and bite them. The best they can do is charge him with some bullying law but that would likely be a misdemeanor.

you sound mad, and this video is boring and gay

I'm not watching a 10 minute split screen video to make conversation with you you silly bitch

This may be my favourite comment of all time.

I'm a liberal, like a really disgusting liberal, but fuck Kurt Eichenwald. He is horrendous and an embarrassment. I trust Sean Hannity more than this hack shill.

I don't blame you.

He straight out embarrassed himself this last October when he jumped on a Russia/Trump story involving Sputnik News. When the journalist who made an innocent error Eichenwald sent him a series of emails trying to get him to not publicly admit the error. His emails were all published and Newsweek and Vanity Fair were embarrassed.

You watched this and didn't think Tucker was the faggot moron? Huh.

Don't make him come Tuck you in, Tucker.

Kurt Kikenwald.

Kurt once sent thousands of dollars to a child pornographer as part of an "investigation", then didn't disclose it to his employer.

This Eichenwald guy also has a sketchy past with child porn. (Not a joke)

The dude asked the show host when he stopped beating his wife?! This guy is fucking awesome.

*Pedophile Peanut: * "TUCKERRRRR, LET ME ANSWER THE QWESTION BUBBULAH" "Panics jewishly"

All I can think of is "how does this guy have a wife, and how can she POSSIBLY fuck him." What a weasly, pathetic, slimy fuck this guy is. How embarrassing is it to have to tell people "my husband got 'attacked' by a Tweet and had to go to the hospital." How do you fuck that. What a fucking non-man.

Turns out women aren't the powerful super creatures media makes them out to be these days. Feed them and buy them shiny things and they'll stick around almost indefinitely.

Impossible to know. Why (((he))) has a high position as a journalist while (((he)))'s clearly a completely unqualified nutjob, we might also never know. It's almost as if he belongs to (((some group))) where there's some sort of nepotism going on.

Tucker should have screamed, "WE HEARD YOU."

Say what you want about Tucker but at least he has enough pride to not wipe his face when his mouth starts watering. He just lets the drool come all out.

This isn't the_Donald. Go peddle that politics bullshit over there.

No but it's a subreddit where you don't have to sick each other's cocks and pray to trump like thedonald.

oldie but goodie. I encoruage everyone to google his pedophile past

What an annoying fat kike.

Edit: sorry, meant to post that in the Schumer thread.

Tucker's fake laugh is gay

Should have solved Eichenwald with a dose of Buchenwald.

The fact that this is close to the top of this sub is sad.

You're a faggot

Good one Cunt. I can go to foxnews and see this. Don't need to see a bunch of mouth-breathing fags jizz themselves over a bow-tie wearing pussy at the place I come to see Tits and Tranthony humiliated.

lulz, @jew_goldstein being listed as defendant in Dallas court papers


I heard Eichenwald pays neighborhood children to spit in his mouth.

I love when he bashes dopey teen bloggers.


Tucker is cool

The FBI seems to.

Yeah exactly control yourself sir