Yeah,,,give me the "wife murderer"

7  2017-03-17 by sanfrancisco69er


Every second Patton Oswalt isn't behind bars is a travesty.

he's gonna raise his daughter like Dexter, teaching her how to kill her future spouses who are closing in on your dad's crimes

This looks like it's from the new MST3K. I don't know how many of you guys were/are fans of the franchise, but I'm pretty disappointed with who Joel Hodsgon has chosen to round out this new cast. I mean Patton Oswalt might as well be the mad scientist guy, who cares... but Jonah Ray sucks (he's going to be the host.) And I don't see how anyone could be funnier than Kevin Murphy as Tom Servo.

So I don't get why Joel didn't just be the host again, and/or get guys that use to do all this shit before. The same millenial/whatever era nerds that would watch this for Jonah ray would just as soon watch it with Joel or Mike or any of the other older people.

And now, to round this out be being extra autistic. People who would have been way better as the new host if there had to be one (that Joel probably doesn't even know exists, and even if he did, he's too much of an alt-comedy dork to pick):

Mark Normand Nick Mullen Ben Bailey

...well I ran out of ideas already. But even Pete Holmes would have been better.

Nick and Stav commenting would make anything better

Completely agree. I haven't watched any of the new episodes but this seems like Patton is the only good casting decision they made.. and that is very sad

Not enough emphasis here on the undeniable fact that Jonah Ray TOTALLY FUCKING ABSOLUTELY, FURIOUSLY AND RELENTLESSLY SUPER- FUCKING- SUCKS.

God DAMNIT i fucking hate that snobbish, whiny, arrogant and unfunny piece of shit cunt.

Yeah, I still haven't watched it. I'll give it a shot at some point, but I'm just not into him hosting it at all. What would be cool is if they kept doing seasons and just changed the entire cast every time as long as they're not going to bother with any of the old people.

Uggh, is that Felicia Day? I hate that camel-faced cunt.

Felicia Day. Now there is a Fappening leak i would love to see.