Netflix makes major change to save Big Amy

1  2017-03-17 by unclepaul84


This change is a legitimate detriment to the overall quality of Netflix. Cutting off the nose to spite the face.

No its not

I bet you sound like Adam Friedland.

I dont know what he sounds like, I have a rather deep voice. The netflix thing has nothing to do with amy specifically, netflix knows how much people use that function and they have data about how likely they are to use a thumbs up/thumbs down system. I'm willing to bet most people dont rate titles or look at ratings.

He didn't actually care about what you sound like. If he called you a favor, would you respond "No I'm not, I fuck pussies all the time". Stop being so literal.

I dont understand the reference at all. Who is Adam Friedland, why should i care?

Jesus Christ, are you a dud!

People can hammer thumbs down just like they do on youtube, to politicize this decision by netflix is just inventing a problem to whine about.

What kind of faggot doesn't listen to Cum Town?

Oh jesus, never in my life would I have guess Adam Friedland was that inconsequential.

You'd actually like Adam because he shares your political views.

I hate listening to people who share my political views.

Me too. So shut up.

Or it could be a completely political move pulled by Netflix that has nothing to do with data or some grand strategy.

The 5x star system allowed me to tell if I liked a move and whether it was just watchable, good or amazing. What does a thumbs up tell you? Good? Amazing? Mindblowing?

Notice how no movie critics use a single thumbs up? It's because it doesn't convey enough info.

Netflix isn't a movie critic site, it doesnt provide original criticism. Most critics and critical aggregates give a short hand system so you can skip their expanded review. User generated content, ie user reviews, have lost the majority of their value when compared to when these sites launched thinking that user reviews were necessary and important. I work in a related industry and I can tell you honestly user content has been fully abandoned because it generates absolutely nothing for a vendor. Look at how valueless yelp has become, look at how many places stopped anonymous comments. If you have an ounce of brains you couldn't mistake this for a political move.

Tons of people still use yelp. And the fact that you need a paid subscription account on Netflix to vote means that the ratings are not inflated or manipulated easily.

User based ratings may not be important to you, but every consumer I know uses them when picking out products and media to watch.

User based ratings are not important to the people who host them and the people being reviewed. That is to say they are not commercially important. It has nothing to do with me. The two biggest websites in the world use thumbs up and down, not the three biggest do, just like the most famous movie critics of all time. You can thumbs down amy all you want.

Movie critics use multiple thumbs up/down.... Just like the star system they used before. 3 thumbs up is the top score from critics.

Do you not get that thumbs is meaningless? What is meaningful is how the reviews are quantified.

One thumb up/down only has 2 possible reviews.

Multiple stars/thumbs means you can give a more detailed review. So your point doesn't help your argument.

The reviews mean nothing in the context of netflix, they already have your money, they dont make more money from amy schumer getting watched then by norton getting watched. I guarantee you that market research has told them the thumbs up/down will get them more user engagement than a star system.
I'll give you two major examples of how reviews dont work. Look at the extended dc universe. Every movie is terrible, you have no problem finding serious critics, youtube geek culture style critics, and fans saying how shit they are. They make crazy money despite that, and the studio is spending billions of dollars on continuing this franchise thats built on a shit foundation. They're risking billions of dollars because they know people dont fucking care, they want what they want. They want to see batman when its hot out.

Sprint, spends a ton of money, major advertiser. Their current campaign revolves around how they're not as good as Verizon, but they're a better buy. It's a cleverly handled campaign but in every commercial that creep says 'hey, we know we're worse than verizon, who cares right folks?'

And regardless, forget all this logic, theres zero evidence that netflix is politically motivated in the decision. Milo is politically motivated when he writes an article about it because he's pray people forget all that kid rape talk and he wants to make his mortgage this month. Its almost as if he has a reason to invent a story?

instead of stars , thumbs up/down (?)

revolutionary unbeatable system

How did Milo get that picture of her taking a massive shit?


I'm sure the low ratings on Amy's special brought attention to this issue within the company, but the decision they made was a financial one, not a moral issue. Companies of this size care fuck all about anything besides the bottom line.