Self-declared sister-fister and sexual assault survivor isn't handing in her feminist card

0  2017-03-17 by crookedmile


Arrogant, deluded, self-absorbed, ugly, fat, vacuous tub of shit.

Wtf? What did I do?

You know what you did.

Dunham really is a repugnant piece of shit.

Funny how she writes, my body belongs to ME, but had no problem...

.... shoving rocks in toddler twat.

I wonder if she knows all the hot actor dudes she forces to have sex scenes with her on her show wouldn't approach her in real life in any social setting if not for the fact she's a powerful Jew writer.

Her body's an ever-changing organism, guys! Meanwhile, I've been in great shape my whole life and I've been the exact same weight for 15 years. But I'm probably the weird one.

Perfect article title if last word is removed