Why doesn't Sam drink alcohol?

36  2017-03-17 by Dannyprecise

Has he ever explained why? Is he a former drunkard? Did it scare him as a little boy? Is he just a monumental faggot?


Hes a faaaaaag

Is Chink speak thing some new desperate plea for attention from this sub again?


Knickers is an insane fat alcoholic Englishman pretending to be Brazilian pretending to be Chinese. Don't mind him.

I'm also English which makes his obsession with becoming some sort of recurring character on this subreddit even more embarrassing for me. I bet he's from some posh village down South as well.

Don't worry mate, not all Brits... or something like that.

95% of us on this sub are British.. serious.. didn't you know?

It genuinely seems that way

We saved your asses in WWII ... 🇨🇦

Still trying to make this "character" happen, eh?


Beat it, slope.


他妈的 本垒打 公鸡 吸盘

This is despicable, Knickers.

Simply not funny or interesting. Just desperate.

I was gonna say that!

You're a *faaaaag

I like this guy

With the human growth hormone treatment if he drinks his hair would go all curly.

He is emotionally 11. About 3 years before you start thinking about getting drunk.

Because it tastes yucky. Eww!

That's actually his reason. He goes into the whole baby talk routine and everything. What a lame ass.

Remember before Sam was "big" when O&A would just play baby music while he described his dinner from the night before? I miss that.

He still has the same diet, right? It's embarrassing just to be around someone who eats so childishly.

Don't worry, the diet will lead him to stroke at the age of 45, and then cancer at 50. He'll be gone soon.

He said he got chicken tenders directly after the birth of his child.

Don't remeber that actually, isnt he like 40 years old or something

Who the fuck thinks Sam is or was ever "big"?

I don't know how else to say it, it was when Sam was where he should be, a background character, a nobody, and a fucking intern, rather than his expanded role on the show. I would have typed that out but I didn't want to type that much about Sam Roberts, which leads us to this post, and how disgusted I am that I have made it.

Lol we all have regrets, my friend

Yesterday he said he's never even tried a beer, which leads me to believe that he is a fag and has also never tried eating out a pussy. Poor Jess...

Didn't he get legitimately annoyed when he was tricked into drinking vodka. If you don't drink because you just don't like it you don't react like that

not drinking, eating. It was cooked into some food some chef they had on made

No. It was when that Guy Fieri fag was in. Sam agreed to try steak for the first time, chewed it a little bit and then spit it out in disgust. Fieri then gave him a "water" bottle that was actually filled with vodka and Sam was genuinely angry. He's not a recovering alcoholic or a non beef eating Hindu, he's just an evolution-cheating mutt with the taste buds of a 4 year old.

He was squirting it into people's mouths. Made it a little funnier. It's one of the few things I really hate about Sam so his anger over it was enjoyable.

Where's the full show audio of this? I wanna hear Sam get mad.

If I remember right Sam didn't really say shit, or at least he certainly didn't yell or curse at him. He just pouted and silently brooded. Of course. There was video of it.

LOL just like how Jim treated dl, no wonder these two scum want to host a show together

I never seen this before but remember listening to it. He was really upset that he was fooled into sipping a bit of vodka. What a fucking pussy. Who can be friends with someone like this? Imagine being 22 and asking him if he wants to go out for a few beers and he says nah dude can't, convictions and stuff. Fuck off.

So because a guy doesn't wanna drink he is a pussy? Him not drinking seems to have gotten him a radio show while you're sitting here on reddit talking shit about him, so whatever he's doing seems to be working

You don't even know what I do. How could you even begin to compare what he's done for a living being afraid of a sip of alcohol and I, who drinks socially on occasion?

You talk shit about people online for not drinking alcohol. I don't know why you have a problem with Sam but it's ridiculous that you seem to have a problem with what he chooses to drink

I just listed why I have a problem with him. Why are you being so defensive anyway? Are you Bobbie?

You're calling someone a faggot and a pussy cause a grown man chooses to not drink, that's why

Does this hit close to home? I don't understand your defensiveness of a person you don't know. Help me understand.

Because you're being a fucking idiot, acting as if not drinking makes a person a pussy or faggot. Now explain to me why you feel the need to bash a person you don't know?

I've been listening to some iteration of this show since 2006 and have hated Sam for many reasons, which I outlined earlier. It's easy to hate someone who talks about their personal life on the radio; you get to know whoever it is they want you to know. And if that's some 35 year old man boy who likes wrestling, eats chicken fingers, gags at the thought of eating steak, and doesn't drink alcohol because he thinks it makes him better than everyone else, then yeah he's a piece of shit.

Also, he's just an awful broadcaster. Awful voice. Not interesting. Long winded stories just to fill air time. Corny.

But I think this post has hit a nerve for you. Are you an alcoholic? Recovering addict? I'm not making fun of you family if that's the case.

When did he ever say not drinking makes him better than everyone else? You're literally just making shit up now. Kind of pathetic that you choose to listen to a show you hate and then you spend your time posting about hating it.

I don't listen to his show. I listen to old school OnA. He unfortunately plays a large part of it. So I'm commenting on that. I'm really confused at this level of defensiveness though. You have to be related to Sam. Or you must like wrestling. You're taking deep offense at this.

When did he ever say he doesn't drink cause it makes him better than everyone else? Don't ignore the question this time...

Did Fieri really do this? I might have some respect for the man after all.

He didn't get "genuinely angry" he didn't seem to care much

He didn't seem annoyed at all to me and he didn't even spit out the vodka, you guys are over exaggerating so much.

It was mentioned afterwards Sam was legit angry. Dunno if the anger was on air. But it was brought up on other shows

So you're basing your opinion on a reaction that you didn't see or hear?

Sam said it.

Oh really? Sam said "If you don't drink because you just don't like it you don't react like me"???

No. I said that. Sam did say he was legitimately angry. Most of us can see that is a strange reaction.

It's not really strange to be upset when someone has you drink alcohol when you don't drink.

Yes it is if the reason for not drinking is just "don't like it" not like it will get you drunk is it? Baby boy had a strop about it. Weird reaction

If he doesn't like it than it makes perfect sense he would be upset about being made to drink.... Do you want him to be happy that someone had him drink vodka that he didn't want to drink?

I don't like blackcurrant squash I wouldn't get angry about being tricked into drinking it.

No. Instead of just taking it in jest as "aww shit, you got me" he legitimately got angry. He didn't show it immediately but afterwards. He spoke about how angry that made him. Whenever Fieri was brought up afterwards, he would be quick to call him a dick or an asshole - genuinely call him that. Because he played a joke on him and made him sip vodka.

Sam is just a boring uninteresting person. WWE. Dolls. Kids diet (he gagged tasting steak). This just adds to it.

You forget how long Jim Norton has been on the air. Young Sam Roberts has been hearing of Jims dedication to sobriety since he was a kid. It is only natural to see him follow in the footsteps of his hero.

He has explained, actually. He said he "needs to be in control at all times." So he basically believed everything the DARE program taught him, that he'd be out of control and possibly jumping out a window after one drink.

It's one thing to believe some shitty propaganda you're shown in school, it's another to watch everyone around you drink and turn out fine and still not touch it.

He thinks he's special because his mommy told him he was.

There's also something obnoxiously Proudboy-ish about it.

Agree with everything but don't see he proud boy connection. In that faggy video they made you can see the burn victim and his lover drinking beer and liquor. Pretty sure they're fine with drinking. Btw I hate the proud boys probably more than Tits and tranthony combined I'm not defending them just making an observation.

Wow you're literal. I'm talking about the abstinence angle. Abstaining from something to tell yourself you're better than people who don't.

Cumia lost a cushy 6 figure gig because his drunk ass couldn't control himself.

Yeah but Cumias are outliers. I'm sure we all know plenty of people that are stupid faggots when they get drunk, but I bet we all know far more people who are pretty well mannered and, generally speaking, capable while drunk.

That being said, Sam is probably an annoying shitstain after a couple beers. I remember Ant saying Patrice acted like a little school girl after one beer (since Patrice was straight edge), Sam must be 10x worse.

At least Patrice had a beer once in a while, like when he sat on Ant's giant chair.

Main point is Sam's in his mid-30s and probably 80% of the people he grew up with and went to high school and college with, drank in high school and college and after, and I bet at only 35 (as opposed to trainwreck Cumia or other old sots with failing livers), 95% of them are perfectly fine. He's not scared. It makes him feel special.

But when Fieri tricked him into drinking vodka or whatever it was he spat it out and freaked the fuck out if I recall correctly. That's more than just a "social stance" when you cant even withstand 1 swallow and then graciously throw out a "you got me, fucker!" No, I think there's some kind of mental issues going on there. Like he fears it or something. He was terrified of a single taste.

Sounds like a creep that's gonna snap at any moment.

I don't get people that believe that shit. Are you really so horrible that a few drinks is going to turn you into a complete asshole? Okay, Patrick Bateman.

Sam couldn't even give up WWE when it was time to quit. You really think he can handle alcohol?

I remember DARE. The retard cop who came to speak actually told us that weed causes males to grow breasts

Just a little taste.

"a baby hit"

He was right. Cannabis has estrogenic effects.

That equals tits? Figured I would've seen snoop dog with DDs by now

My dare fag got busted with cocaine and later got caught having house parties with 14 year old girls in attendance who said he enticed them to show up by buying them wine coolers.

Was your DARE cop Keith the Cop?

Pretty much, Chicano KTC..

He enticed me

He got emotionally stunted at 9 years old. Look at his diet and his obsession with WWE. So this fits right in, alcohol is scary!

There was probably a Hulk Hogan PSA 20 years ago that warned about drinking and Sam still takes it to heart.

"Brother, if you drink you might Cuck your best friend and be recorded repeatedly saying nigger. Then whatcha gonna do when the NAACP runs wild on you?"

who cares if he does or not. jesus.



Jim would have to stop working with him.

That's the real reason behind the 0&J breakup. Op was talking about grapefruit beers too much. Jim had to start plan to fly out to gigs when that was on the schedule.

There's like a picky eaters syndrome or something, in the last year I started seeing a lot more writing about it. The shitty dude from Titus Andronicus was kvetching about it in his typically terrible way.

I read an article about that recently. The thing I found strange is that nearly all of them only eat chicken fingers and fries. I took great pleasure in reading about their humiliation at business/family dinners at restaurants that don't serve kid food.

Is he just a monumental faggot?


Cro-Magnon man body can't metabolize alcohol well.

He's a pussy boy, but he'll tell you that he doesn't want anything clouding his mind. I've met a lot of black guys who drive honda accords with 30 inch rims who are on the same page.

He's a pussy boy, but he'll tell you that he doesn't want anything clouding his mind. I've met slurped greedily on the peckahs of a lot of black guys who drive honda accords with 30 inch rims who are on the same page.

Because they haven't made Zima in like 20 years.

On LoS they passed a joint around and he didn't even took one fucking hit. All that extreme helicopter parenting from Bobby really worked out..

Because he said cum tastes better

He's a Muslim

Because he only ever eats whatever's on the local school's cafeteria menu.

Drinking alcohol is not permitted by the tenets of hulkamania.

Guy Fieri made him drink Vodka...

His mother gave young Samuel a little Nyquil and he called in a bomb threat to Wrestlemania VII

Aw I thought there'd be a punchline

It doesn't go good with his good boy chicken tendies.

Maybe his mom put him on an antipsychotic as a child and told him he can never drink or he might date rape again.

He's a monumental, still sucking from mom's tit, faggot

chicken nugget and beer. yuck.

Penn Gillette doesn't drink either

Penn doesn't drink because it was a conscious choice he made when he was younger and I think has alcoholism in his family. He's not afraid of it like Same the Man-Child. It's just not something he's interested in and has seen first hand how it destroys some people's lives so just decided at a young age not to drink or do drugs. I respect Penn's choice way more than Sam's reasoning that he has to be in control at all times and it tastes "yucky".

Go on...

I don't drink for the same reasons Penn doesn't - alcoholic father, two older alcoholic/addict sisters, and a younger sister and brother who flirted with it before getting their shit together. My extended family is full of drunks and addicts. I stopped drinking and drugs in high school, and only drink when i really want it, which is rare - right now, i havent had alcohol in over a year.

Sam is just a beyond uptight little momma's boy who's paranoid of losing control of the conversation, and someone might shit talk him behind his back. I know kids like sam, they're too tightly wound. And, I just can't stand the sound of his fucking voice.

Exactly. Guys like Sam annoy the shit out of me because they could be cool dudes if they just chilled the fuck out a little. He'd probably be one of those annoying sloppy drunks after one beer though, if he ever had the balls to try one.

Yeah, he never did bong rips or drank beers. Not like us original, cool dudes. Right bros? Huh?

If you never drank or smoked weed in college, you're either lying or are such a loser that you had no friends, you socially inept, autistic fuckstain.

Plenty of people don't drink or do drugs, you're a fucking idiot

Hey pal, let's keep things civil here. You can say what you want about my drinking habits, but when you use your Vos-like FBI profiling powers against me like this and....and...insult my Reddit username...that cuts to the core of me.

I don't drink because I don't like the flavor or the feeling. I've worked in bars and restaurants and I've seen drunks at the end of their night, it never looks fun. Any time I've had to sit through a wine tasting, I wanted to kill myself. No, I don't get a "roundness" with "bursts of stone fruit". I get rotten grapes and rubbing alcohol, that's ALL I taste.

I've been drunk, it makes getting laid easier. I've also got laid without booze, and that felt more satisfying to me. I also snap at people when I'm drunk and say really horrible things. Maybe Sam recognizes this tendency in himself, or if he knows he's a sober shit talker, he might be afraid of what will happen if he gets beer muscles and gets his ass kicked, or says something he can't take back to his girl.

He doesn't have to drink, and he really doesn't have to explain it. It's like when Steven Crowder says he waited until marriage to fuck, people FREAK out. NOT fucking is the last sexual taboo, just like NOT drinking is another unexplainable taboo

Yes. He is a monumental faggot. I don't know how this isn't universally known fact at this point.

He's 3 Zimas away from fucking a dude and he knows it

Didn't he refer to his dad having issues at one time?

That was about his dad using cum for mustache wax.

His dad gave him a few drinks when he was a teen, and in the next morning, coming out of a blackout, he concluded alcohol hurts his butt too much.

Because he's not cool, he doesn't even drink beer or smoke marijuanas!

He doesn't drink? He doesn't smoke? What does he do?

Don't serve alcohol in sippy cups

Sam is a connoisseur of juice boxes

Because they do not serve alcohol in sippy cups

Shhhhuuurrreee they do.

Uncle Paul, they don't serve it like that. You just spike their drinks. It's not the same thing, knuckle head.

Option 3.

Genetics. Savages can't handle liquor.

not drinking, eating. It was cooked into some food some chef they had on made

Just a little taste.

He was right. Cannabis has estrogenic effects.

My dare fag got busted with cocaine and later got caught having house parties with 14 year old girls in attendance who said he enticed them to show up by buying them wine coolers.

Was your DARE cop Keith the Cop?

He enticed me

If you never drank or smoked weed in college, you're either lying or are such a loser that you had no friends, you socially inept, autistic fuckstain.

He didn't seem annoyed at all to me and he didn't even spit out the vodka, you guys are over exaggerating so much.

When did he ever say he doesn't drink cause it makes him better than everyone else? Don't ignore the question this time...