Homerun Opie. Hilarious Twitter war

22  2017-03-17 by Bobby_Newpooort


Opie thinks aligning himself with that idiot the "Mad Cuban" and talking about cooking shitty food is what's going to save his job.

That's who everyone wants to hear talk about food, a man who will char a shitty steak and cover it in bbq sauce. That's like listening to a 120 lb worm talk about beating men into submission with his fists.

Catch The Jim Norton UFC Show at www.UFC.com

Catch the Sam Roberts Any Activity or Food Not Designed for Children Podcast on NPR

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I'm 90% convinced that even they don't understand most of the things they're saying to each other. They just enjoy the pleasantries.

They're so anxious and eager for any semblance of socializing that they get flustered and can't say anything of actual value.

who the fuck is James Beard

Tsss James Bonds hairy brother or sumpthin

No wait no wait... tss it's james bond but just in disguise. double oh seven guns cocksucka

A distinguished award for excellence in cooking good food.

That comment, the tits, all the food talk, the mood swings..... Opie's transitioning into a sassy middle aged fat girl.

He's on a journey, dude!

Even something as stupid as this tweet defies logic completely. If he's in space and Opie is on earth, how is Opie going to go warm up the space shuttle? Is Opie also in space in this metaphor?

In space, no one can hear you scream...hold on, HOLD ON!

You know what he uses to warm it up? A space heater. Tss.

Opie would never date an astronaut, because he likes people that are more down to earth.

Galaxy yuma.

"I'll go warm up the space shuttle" is less witty than "stand alone fruit".

You might be a morning zoo hack when you're yukkin it up with @MOMSforCOMEDY on a Friday morning

Fawkin nailed em

But if he came back to earth whAt gooD Is a warm space shuttle?

Is "jazz it up" some sort of catch phrase he's trying to force now? What a piece of shit.

Yes it is, that and Sherrod screaming YEAH...

I don't get it.

I honestly can't believe that after 35 years in radio, Opie would rather have fake twitter arguments with a chef, who is also his show sidekick, than retire. It's truly embarrassing.

He's not allowed in the house during the day while Lynsi has her Johns over. What else is he gonna do? Hang out at the mall?

This is the worst banter I've ever seen

That's something a 10 year-old would have said in 1985.

I believe more and more every day that Chip Chipperson is based on Gregg "Mammary Gland" Hughes

What does this even mean?

:( I hope this heated exchange doesn't strain their friendship.

They're so anxious and eager for any semblance of socializing that they get flustered and can't say anything of actual value.