Is Jim tired this morning?

20  2017-03-17 by TheDubStepDisliker

I need to know this is of utmost importance


How could you possibly tell? He is the epitome of professionalism and never lets you know if he is feeling tired or down

Actually he usually announces it straight off the bat

Ohhhhh literal Jim.

I don't think that's his name.

A caller just scolded him for being late or barely on time. Sam predictably said he didn't have a problem with it. I figure the caller is from here.

I enjoyed the caller (Walter?) making fun of Jim's movie career and asking why he doesn't show up late for his one line cameos that get deleted.

Anybody know what time Walter calls?

It was when the Walking Dead discussion was happening. Around 90 minutes into show or so.

That is fucking gold!

I wonder if his Uber driver was up to his high standards? Probably was on the wrong side of the street...

He made him wait 3.5 minutes. Fuck Uber!


This morning he is bitching about how terrible The Walking Dead show is and he provides so many details that he must be a regular viewer. I'm almost positive he has said before he would never watch such shit.

tsssss tired? whats he work at goodyear or sumtin? ahhhhhh booooo!

Manners in which Jim needs to piss:

  1. Desperately
  2. 1
  3. 1 & 2
  4. Dennis Falcone is the best

Jims "travel companion" Jonathan is his boyfriend, right? They attend art shows, eat frozen yogurt together and jonathan has gifted yimmy a pair of shoes that he always gushes about. His strange ticks and mannerisms scream closeted queen. And then the whole suckin peckahs and having tranny cock inserted into his rectum. Thoughts?

The Chip videos with Jonathan trying to keep Chip from being an asshole is "the show." Those are really goddamn funny. Take that $60,000 and use it to make Cop Show-ish 5 min episode web series with Chip and Jonathan going around.

Not this pre-written cartoon that is the antithesis of what makes Chip funny.

Norton has been working day and night on his mediocrity. He's cockxhausted.

I was shocked and apalled that during his Joe Rogan Podcast appearance he claimed to use the bathroom 12 times during a 2 hour movie!!! What the fuck is wrong with him?

He's given himself a weak peanut sized bladder by constantly pissing.