Anthony bullshiting conspiracy theories so he can make more money

0  2017-03-17 by bellboy1973


Someone needs to watch these maniacs,

How many fingers and I'm holding in?

All of them.

All the race shit ant screams and he's perfectly happy to hob nob with a sandy hook truther for personal gain. He really is human garbage.

I understand what Alex Jones does, but the Sandy Hook bullshit he was spewing was truly reprehensible.

Do you really "understand" it? Ew

I understand he is a carnival barker enticing people into his freak show.

If you thought he was bad you should have heard some of the Coast to Coast AM deniers about it, including one guy so bad it got a weekend host fired. At least Alex is just doing a bit.

You think 'doing a bit' is better, though? Being crazy vs leveraging people who are crazy because it's easier?

Yeah, because he's hilarious. If people want to think he's real and buy his over priced water filters and fake supplements that's their problem. I think a lot more people pay attention because it's funny than believe his endless lists of predictions that never happen. And Anthony is one of those people, we know how much he hates conspiracy theories. But like Ventura's show Alex amuses him.

I'm glad I have not heard any of those pieces of shit.