Even the hardcore cunts at Jezebel hate Piggy's special (check comments)

4  2017-03-17 by crookedmile


I really, really wanted to like her special but I gave up after 10 minutes or so. It was exclusively ‘ooh a woman talking about sex how unladylike’. I know she is capable of social commentary - her show is full of it - but 10 minutes in, she hadn’t made any interesting points so I gave up.

Christ these twats almost make me want to jump onto Amy's side. They literally believe comedy should be fucking social justice.

The special couldn't have been more hackily unfunny. But at least it was technically in the comedy category.

I think what she meant to say is when Amy had male writers she was good

The only thing worst than Feminists discussing comedy, would be dykes discussing comedy

Take it easy on her fellas, she's a victim of sexual assault.

Male fragility is a truly amazing thing.

That describes this sub to a T. especially /u/crookedmile

It seems that a subset of men are so used to having programming made specifically to appeal to them that they need to publicly register their distaste and outrage whenever they encounter a tv show / movie / etc. that was not made to appeal to them.

this too

Poor triggered right wing snowflakes. They need a safe space from comedy because it makes them sad face.

They are the most delicate little pussies in the entire world.

Anyway, Schumer is right... this does nothing but show what power she actually does have and how scared those trolls are. La la la.


Yeah fuck you /u/crookedmile

Uh-oh, the hippo femcunts are in this sub again. Oh boy!

Why the fuck did you link to such a shitty comment section?

Because it's a shitty comment section. Are you a fucking waterhead or what?

You're screwed!

Theyve all pointed to sexism when its that shes stealing material from actual comedians to use in her specials to make millions of dollars they do not understand our frustrations

"male fragility is astounding" from a comment on a website dedicated to the plight of white western women (the most privileged class in earth's history)

I wanna see that bit try to use that big word mum I jumbo on me, I'll knock her the fuck out and then rape her butthole then mouth