Does anyone believe this retard?

11  2017-03-17 by [deleted]



He should call it "Food That Puts Hair On Your Tits"

Haha main man MJ was all over it

All kidding aside folks, the idea of having his job at his age is starting to make me depressed. It's getting harder to smoke and have fun on this sub.

Heh yeah I got a couple food Network ideas

Like a show where they make soups but only use the bones... It's called "I wanna bone you".....

Heh heh that's PFG to me.

Ugh that's exactly the type of shitty pun they would use, that or "boning up"

1: This was an actual idea scorch came up with.

2: If you ever type out "ugh" again I'm gonna throw a Molotov cocktail through your window.

You couldn't lift a motov you nancy

He could make a book about cooking with his retard daughter that would tug on the old heartstrings.

Pennies and marbles: How I learned to leave it alone and love cooking and my daughter

By Gregg "Opie" Hughes

"cooking for 1 and a half"

Wolfgang Cuck


The same guy that marinated new york strips in bbq sauce. Motherfucking idiot.

That tweet was definitely not a plant and totally real.

Didn't O&A already make fun of cooking with retards?

Maybe this was The Opesterâ„¢'s attempt at a joke.

Hey Pally,just waitin for tits to die.

I hope he has a recipe for chicken schnoodle soup

Just another set of tits in the kitchen, where they belong.

I bet he's quite familiar with double large marinated breasts tsst tsst