Congrats, Jim

152  2017-03-17 by [deleted]


Bonus points for not going with the obvious Aids joke.

More bonus points if someone photoshops the downs dudes face from the Tony Romo pic over Jimmys face.



I don't think DeNeerO and Jimmy were in the same room, think there's some digital foolery with this scene

It's like Pacino and him in Heat, I tells ya! Hoo-ah!

To be fair to Norton can you find me a 48-year-old man more adorable than he is?

He really is a cutie pie, I just want to take him out for ice cream and hookers.

You would suffer his lactose farts?

Farts are funny, who wouldn't?

adorable? to me he just looks like a flaming faggot

Gayest photo ever, next to him and Jonathan on the plane.

Is this before or after they played Mouthful of Braciole?

After mouthful of braciole but before hide the salsiccia

Truly a sweet boy

Should have screen capped the bare bottom spanking.

Nobody looks less comfortable smiling than Jim Norton.

When you fake smile the muscles around your eyes don't move

But his eye muscles are tensed -- he's fake smiling "correctly." It just looks unnatural, like a mannequin's smile or something. I mean if you see him genuinely smiling while he's laughing at a joke or something it doesn't look like whatever this is.

Lifting your cheeks make it look more like a real smile, but the difference is there. Eyebrows are the most expressive part of the face.



Opie is incapable of feeling joy.

Norton does not have downs he has stage 4 leukemia

stage 4 homosexual


You know Bob had no clue who the fuck Jim was, im sure Jim reminded him several times he was a co-star with Bob in the smash hit the Comedian.

can someone bobo-ify this please?

Deniro? Tsssss why not like de-far-o or sumpthin? Tsss

I heard from a guy I know who works in Hollywood that Jim wrote some of De Niro's lines in his latest shitty movie so De Niro repaid the favor

No wonder the movie bombed.

Deniro,he needed da money,OHHH.

i enjoyed that opening part

I didn't know Deniro was this hard up for cash.

Mulatto children

a mongrel race

both races will be destroyed

"I'm the presenter" - Cumia Deniro face

"Can he stop doing this shitty movies, What is he doing"

He consistently has sociopath eyes.

Just so were clear here. This is Bad Grandpa DeNiro, not Dear Hunter DeNiro.

But def QUEER Hunter De Niro; and he just found an 8 point buck.

Y'heard what I saiyad.