Memes to appeal to Anthony Cumia 25 of 100

26  2017-03-16 by PleasePMmeSteamKeys


Finally. 1/25, OP. Well done, I hate to admit it but you finally got a good one. Maybe you shouldn't kill yourself after all.

library of congress has been notified.

le black science man

Well actually he has been known to steal jokes and claim them as his own, not to mention fabricating quotes and statistics - so, in a sense, yes.

He did misquote and refuse to correct the record.

Joke fell as flat as the earth.

You hate those sphere cucks too, huh?

no no no, you are supposed to post 26 so he looks like an idiot to post 25 now. Good bit tho.

Thief. I before E except after C sockcucka

Look at that gang sign dis nigga throwin up. Nigga be stuntin

Statistically more likely to be an unreported rapist, but one smart enough to spell thief correctly. Ass.

Clearly a gang sign. Someone stop him from resisting arrest! Dis nigga here 'gon take down da man. Naw but seriously, guy's one of my hero's and you can sit on a tack if you don't like it