Extreme S&M enthusiast Patton Oswalt thinks climate change denier should be in international court for terrorism.

4  2017-03-16 by JoeCumiaSr


so is it global warming or is the climate just changing? I cant follow shit anymore

I'd like to see Tubby's carbon footprint. Pretty much everyone who lives in LA running their 24/7 air conditioners and SUVs probably contribute more than the entire country of Malawi.

didnt that state run out of fucking water? how bad do you have to destroy your surrounding environment that you run out of fucking water.

That happens when you have 30 million of the most selfish people on earth living in one place.

They want to be the first nation-state to live off bottled water.

add 10 million more selfish cunts

"Terrorism by neglect" isn't a thing you fat faggot

Murder by neglect.

What are you implying friend?

Game, set, and match

Ya, he hasnt gone of the rails even for a communist

I want to see him in court for murdering his wife

LA elite gets a pass for drug den overdose.Young child in the home at time of overdose,not a problem for actor in Hollywood. Fuck you double standard piece of shit.

That happens when you have 30 million of the most selfish people on earth living in one place.