In Honor of 3:16 Day

36  2017-03-16 by harriswill


I remember them playing this on the O&A show, wasn't this a Salacious Sam Robert contribution to the show...

Nope. Jay Mohr. Said it's the funniest thing he's ever seen.

Nah, it was Sam before the show went on air, that's why they lead with it. But I understand why you think that, because it was Mohr that came in later and had the biggest reaction to it.

Ok. I stand corrected. Well done sir. I need to step up my autism.

I like to think I set the bar for needlessly detailed knowledge about things that don't matter. So thank you.

no, they actually showed it to Jay Mohr. Then he had Stone Cold on his podcast, and was talking to him about it. Stone Cold said he didn't think it was funny

oooo I forgot about this, fuck you

Weird, I was randomly thinking of this a few hours ago. Le reddit hive mind at work

autistically delicious

This is so retardedly hilarious. God bless the autistic soul that dreamt it up.

This was great. Such a shame that the guy who did it was unable to follow up with anything good. I think Sam had him on once and he was awful.

This was not funny

I live in suite 316 so it's always 316 day for me!!!