Anti-body-shaming activist Lena Dunham succumbs to body shamers and loses weight

8  2017-03-16 by DildoRenter


but not too much tho

New Lena looks like this girl I went to summer camp with that shat her pants on multiple occasions. We came up with a very clever nickname for said girl, Shit Girl.

Ironically, Puddinlegzz would be a better nickname

There was a guy in school called Shitface, had a brown splotch on his cheek.

Simple yet effective

What a ugly bastard

Looks like a Liverpool dock worker with method mouth

Too bad about her face and personality. Bitch is still gross.

Does this mean she's not brave anymore?

Looking healthy and happy

she is not miserable cunt anymore?

You really have to be a disgusting piece of shit, if this is breaking news.

She's going to look like Susan Boyle when she hits 40.

dude looks like he's wearing lipstick

I don't understand how you can be fat.. stop fucking eating for fuck sake.

Starving oneself, and limiting your intake to bland health food, is far more satisfying on a self-punishment level than apocalyptic binge eating.

I didn't say starve yourself, but you don't need to inhale 4,000+ calories a day either..

Perhaps more than that.

Username checks out

Way to do your hair up, you fucking slob.

She looks like someone going out to get her mail on Sunday morning.

This dude wears its hair like that to get attention and appeal to other dudes who think they're ugly and fat and have shit personalities.

Fuck this guy.

Thanks to related stories, I found out it got some horrible chandelier tattoo under its tits, presumably giving the girls a target droop level.

“Jemima’s planning to tattoo the word ‘nasty’ on my butt,” she revealed, grinning.

I actually agree with it on something!

Good for her. She has probably added 5 extra years to her life. Bad for us.

Impossibly, she might look even worse.

What a homely woman, the living definition of a cock-softener

She is unbelievably horrific.

I don't get it, why did they say she was looking healthy now? I thought fat girls were "healthy at every size."

I'm not sure who this fella is but he has a somewhat effeminate taste in clothes.

A slightly smaller pile of garbage.

Are we sure her mother didn't get impregnated by a flabby wild bore?

I wouldn't fuck her with Sue Ligjtning's dick.

She looks like she steals aluminum foil from gas stations and blasts dope diarrhea on tree trunks at the park she camps in

Still looks like a ghoul tho. She needs some major plastic surgery to even become close to being fuckable.

Staying in shape has been an important part of Dunham's life over the past few years


I can't stand how this guy creates a show inspired by the mentally ill people he hangs around with in hipster Williamsburg. He wants us to believe this is how normal people act in real life, when he clearly has no concept of what real life is.

He's like a fat, anti-Sex-and-the-City demagogue whose future career prospects are homelessness, tattoo parlor fluffer, peep booth mopper, or discount-price camgirl.

Fat Amy must be pissed, the sisterhood is broken. They were supposed to be famous porksters.

I didn't say starve yourself, but you don't need to inhale 4,000+ calories a day either..