Today's guests actually had interesting stories

2  2017-03-16 by Dennyislife

Made a nice change.


Did it force you to slowly unfold your arms during?

It did! I was prepared to not like Christopher Titus, but his story about his sister blowing her brains out really cheered me up.

Why has OP never heard of him?

Maybe he was talking about the cocksucker who scaled Mt. Everest.

i'm english. No idea who he is.

He's like Mr. Bean

And Ant is the gritty american remake of Benny Hill right?


No they didnt.

You faggots have poor taste in good talk radio, you might as well watch wrestling.

The show sucks and you suck.

meh it wasn't earth shattering stuff but at least it was stories outside of tour life and getting sober.

Piss off.

How's this for an interesting story: I'm going to cum right in your butt.

oh you shock jock teeny boppers you!

well goddamnit, who were they

some fella who went up Everest and some comic who married an insane evil bitch and had his family kill themselves. He seemed a bit of a hacky comic but his story was interesting.