How much longer will Amy "I don't care about trolls and will write a wall of text to prove it" Schumer's career last?

99  2017-03-16 by Crownenberg

Feels like the pigbeast has been circling the drain for a good year or so now. What's next for this brave, dangerous and powerful gal?


Even without all the negative press her career had a short shelf life. She gained a fan base while she was dating Jeselnek, playing that "character" and was quickly whisked to the front of the line to a position that she's not funny, talented, hardworking or likeable enough to maintain. Once she's drummed out of comedy, she might try to be "the next Ellen", and host a soft, lady friendly talk show, but that won't work. I don't "get" Ellen, but she was a 20+ year road comic who parlayed that into a highly rated sitcom and now a daytime show--mostly because people like and feel comfortable with her in a way that Amy could never manage, even if Amy were to turn lesbian. On the work ethic issue, based on her recent output and what Mark Norman says about touring with her (if you read between the lines, she's miserable on the road and has contempt for her fans), she doesn't seem to enjoy performing or working on her material to get better. Considering her limited talent, her only recourse is to hustle like Kevin Hart, but that ain't happening. If I were here agent or manager I'd try to get her one big payday as a monster in an Avengers movie, then set up a long term investment plan to see her comfortably into dotage, which given the pace of her weight gain is only about 15-20 years away.

She's definitely not going to hustle like Hart. Kevin appears to be working on something 7 days a week and Big Amy always seems to be on vacation. Daily Mail has pictures of her on the beach twice a month. She is lazy as shit.

Big amy was working on a bad of donuts

She's the only successful stand up comic who doesn't tour, work on new material at clubs, or even seem to enjoy doing it. I think she saw stand up as a stepping stone to fame, and only keeps doing it because it's easy money - god knows she has no other real income now.

Ellen worked her butt off. Before she made it big she toured constantly, and was always on Letterman and Carson - and she's a likeable person. And funny.

Hell, even Rosie Odonnel worked her ass off as a comic before she hooked up with Madonna and got attention. And was sometimes funny, I know, hard to believe.

Her crash is gonna be brutal. She has very little goodwill to bank on, she hasn't been around long enough to have a fanbase to save her. At least Dunham finished her show - Amy's show is on indefinite hiatus, which everyone knows means cancelled. She couldnt even keep that show afloat.

Even comparing Amy to Ellen is unfair. Ellen actually worked and wrote original materials. It was mostly middle of the road stuff, but it was sometimes funny/interesting. Amy is a thieving hack.

Ask Dane Cook

This is the correct answer. the smart move for her would be to dump the stand up for awhile (years) and focus on movies. Other comics did it and she should too.

She can't act. That would make sense if she could act. Other actresses, like Kristen Wiig did small parts before starring in a movie, tried out different kinds of roles, ect., but she can act, and she's funny. Amy can't act. She uses the same expressions in everything she does - "Amy looks surprised face #1". She has no charisma. The camera doesn't love her, like Scarlettt Johansen. Even playing herself, she's wooden and stiff. Right now, she's famous for being famous, not for her acting chops, or her comedy skills.

What she needs to do is go back to the beginning and learn the craft of acting. Take acting lessons. Take improv lessons. Do some small parts in theater, small parts in movies, not be the lead.

She hasn't earned her spot. There are actresses who deserve the parts and money and attention so much more than Schumer does. Actresses who can actually ACT. That's the sad part, is the time and money wasted on this ponderous thundercunt.

I doubt she even cares anymore. She owns a glass penthouse and lives alone with her 5 toilets.

Am I reading right that it's $12M, and monthly taxes of $4k?

$12M doesn't surprise me... but damn that's a lot of taxes.

Property taxes on NYC are actually quite low. It's a monthly "service charge" which includes taxes and service fees from the building, which likely goes to a security team, a private underground parking lot with daily attendants, gym etc.

Does she get a discount on the gym part?

That makes sense. I realize NYC is some of the most expensive property in the world. I live around Raleigh, and could find a $13M house, it would be quite a place.

$4k a month is maintenance, and that sounds about right. All condos charge maintenance, and the more expensive the unit the higher the maintenance, especially in a good building. I pay $950/month maintenance on an apartment worth about a million, in a full service building arguably nicer than the one Amy is in and definitely in a better area of the city (Mariah Carey and Natalie Portman both live in my building). And that's actually a very good deal.

It covers the building amenities/general upkeep and that's about it. You're still paying additional for parking ($450/month per space), and have to tip out the ass during the holidays (can add up to ten or fifteen grand depending on how many staff the building ass).

Seems like it would b pretty easy to snipe her from the next building

That wildebeest would need a Desert Eagle to take her down.

Robin Williams was probably loaded and he still hung himself, so there's hope yet.

Sounds like she needs to borrow some of Opie's "hater-fighters".

I think it's in the home stretch and no I'm not referring to her stretch marks. She's got a lot of haters and her "fans" will move on to the next flavor (pork) of the month comes along next. She was funny a few years ago, that's just a fact.

As an A lister (if she's even one)? 2 years tops. As a touring comic selling out 500-1000 seat theatres? Probably as long as she wants sadly.

She's on a precipitous decline from the power elite. Next comes the career death rattle. If Barbie actually happens, I don't think she could recover from its colossal failure. She'd be damaged beyond repair to every onlooker from all demographics. A handsome living well above the actual value of her contributions is always going to be there, sadly, but her best days are almost certainly behind her, barring a miraculous turnaround with her stand-up. I know it would pain her to not be shoehorned into the public epicenter for a little while, but laying low after Snatched tanks, and gracefully bowing out of Barbie citing exhaustion, would be best for her long-term prospects. Show some humility, display a recognition of your brand souring, and try to craft some hours that even her most staunch haters can't deny. She got elevated to a certain level way before her stand-up chops were fully honed. Put in the work, and show for perhaps the first time that you really have what it takes to be the HNIC.

I think once Snatched bombs that Barbie deal is going to mysteriously "fall though" since they'll see that she's a guaranteed money loss.

I think it's already fallen through. No news on production since it was announced in Dec, it's still listed as "rumor" on IMDB, and Sony Pictures is having some pretty serious issues right now.

I would laugh if her special was being watched by Sony to make a decision to green light the project...if so, Barbie ain't happening.

If they make it...bigger issues for Sony. They can't afford big ticket flops anymore.

Oh shit of course that travesty would be from Sony. It is like they just want to fail.

cant wait until a few days when these posts are vos plugs

Will she still get to hang with "J-Law" when it's all over?

JLaw is nearly as trashy as her, and her career looks to have peaked as well.

Pretty sure J-Law was nominated for as Oscar like a year ago lol, she ain't going nowhere.

But, I'd love to keep bashing fat Amy if that's ok?

Hence "peaked".

No reason both can't be trashed. Double the fun.

But...she didn't peak, not officially. She could still be mid-peak.

But yes, it's stoner bashing time!

"Passengers" looked like a sure hit but lost the studio a lot of $. "Joy" underperformed as well. Her "whacky" interviews aren't viewed as favorably as they used to. I'm of the opinion she's peaked, she'll still get work but it will diminish each year.

Ohhh yeah, Passengers got fucking blasted lol. But I just checked, it still ended up making $295 million on a budget of $110. So not as much as they hoped I'm sure, but still make a nice amount. Joy only made like $30 mill though, I guess that was more Oscar-bait material.

I'm not disagreeing with you, for all I know she could be on the downswing, I just think I need to see how her next few movies go before saying so. The stuff she has on deck looks like it can't go wrong.

J-Law is beautiful and talented. The only thing that could possibly derail her would be a dramatic weight influx. They gave her the Oscar around the time when she was barely able to legally consume alcohol in the United States. I'd be hard-pressed to think of another starlet who so clearly is built for the long haul. The film industry has become utterly inept at cultivating new stars. She is definitely an exception. She can do shitty franchise movies forever, go the prestige route and focus on the awards bait, or take a little from each column like she's done thus far. Even if she remains tight with Big Amy's descending star, she's Teflon.

Exactly! And going with your young Oscar comment, I think the only person around who was nominated younger (and won) for Best Supporting Actress is Anna Paquin. And like J-Law, she was in the superhero franchise, was starring in one of the biggest shows on TV with True Blood, and then randomly popped up in anything else she wanted to do along the way.

I really hope J-Law hangs around though, I thoroughly enjoy her in everything, except the last Hunger Games which was trash.

Longer than you faggots want. I dont give a fuck bout the broad, but who gives a fuck?

Finger me.

Id rather fist

I'm in.

Finger Me

I think if she gets really fat it might start to affect her showbiz choices a lot more.

Shelley Duvall is morbidly obese now and was on Dr. Phil being all batshit crazy. I hope Amy Schumer ends up the same way.

At least until the end of this sentence.

Jeez I've seen her called a pigbeast, sweat beast, and monster beast. What other kind of beasts could she be?

Obese beast? Beast beast? Yeast beast? Gut beast?

gut beast

That's solid.

as long as her SJW fan base can still hold her up....the bigger she gets the harder that will be

She's on minute 14:59 of her 15 minutes. Once "Snatched" (get it, haha vagina joke) bombs at the box office she will be pretty much done for. She's not a sure thing for studios anymore and judging by the lack of interest for that movie and her latest special, I think she's for the most part finished.

Even feminist have turned against her like they have with Lena Dunham. The joke thief allegations will follow her forever and thanks in part to South Park her "muh vagina" schtick, and her anti-gun crusade, has all really made people hate her. She's well on her way to being the female Dane Cook.

With this and it's youtube trailer ratings what are the chances it gets a reduced theater release?

I think Snatched will get a full release, but I don't see it lasting longer than a 2-3 weeks before being down to one showing a day at 11am.

It's coming out a week after the new Pirates of the Caribbean and Guardians of the Galaxy. It's going to be completely lost in the swarms of people going to see those two movies.

I am very disappointed in this sub.

I did a search of /r/AgainstHateSubreddits and it wasn't even mentioned once.

Ya'll a bunch of jew and nig lovers.

Big money moving to the next pig.

Snatched will be the last big Jews money.

How long? Not long. What you reap is what you sow

It's over. There was a thief/cunt post on r/video. She TOAST.

Snatched will bomb, hard.

If they make the Barbie movie with her, then she'll tank Sony Pictures, and she'll never get hired for a movie again - at least not as a star.

She'll be back doing the Chucklehut within...four years. Opening for Rich Vos.

She is a woman so probably awhile.

Big amy was working on a bad of donuts