Go make yourself a shotgun and ham sandwich

5  2017-03-16 by MissRaoulDukeGonzo


I think you're doing better, and beginning to understand the basic formula (at least Jim norton's version). So I will cut you some slack, and I do kind of enjoy the nostalgia of your user-name. This isn't an equal opportunity sub though, you won't get credit just for having a cunt (unless you show it) but I hope you do well!

lol you believe that's a woman and not one of our unfunny fags doing a bad gimmick account.

I had mentioned it was probably Knickers (he gave up the Asian Shtick) in another comment, but then another user linked the weird shit this "person" posted about meeting a guy on a bus (in a different sub), which didn't seem like trolling but someone who's just severely mentally ill. So it fit's the mold of a potential female O&A fan, either way, I'm not about to send an Ipad, and if it is Knickers he's not getting any gold, I already sent him a dick-pic.

Check my whole history if you like. I got r/stims (just to get that out of the way now) my personality type page where I pour my heart out( I gotta be a gash sometimes) r/trailer park boys yes I'm native Canadian, and other random shit. If I were a lunatic I'd be one hell of a meticulous motherfucker

3 is a hoot

TBH, I dont give a fuck what you do, I've never scrolled through someone's post history, I generally ignore user-names. If it's funny upvote, if it's stupid downvote. That should be the system. I'm sure I've had arguments with people here in the past, but I can't remember a single user-name that I think "I hate that guy", probably because I'm an alcoholic, but who's counting, I love all you guys! (Posts an hour from now: "You're all worthless faggots")

Agreed I never thought about user names or histories till yesterday when someone checked mine. U do me I'll do you. Otherwise, I don't read the names or remember them

Well good thing I browse r/incest in incognito windows so no one knows... oh fuck!

Oh, you rascal

AMA I am a woman like do you wanna know if dick size matters? Never mind I'll just post a pic of me ... But I guess a guy could do that too. Eh, you'll just have to take my word for it I guess. Thats the only good picture I've got

Are you about a size 14?

I've never been close to a 14, I can go 0 to 5 depending on Uh.. The situation.

If that's the best,you must be in prison.

I am it's called Texas

Went through the same shit at wackbag too