Not to interrupt the day our sub was credited with creating tens of thousands of fake Netflix accounts, but Jason Ellis said on today's show he's completely broke because he spent $5,000 on his eight year-old's motorcycle...

7  2017-03-15 by RamonFrunkis

  • Who spends that much on a death toy for a growing child

  • Who doesn't have $5,000, in general

  • No idea his salaries from his 23 jobs, but surely EllisM8 is pulling well over six figures

  • He said he wouldn't have money again for the next two weeks

  • What six figure earner doesn't have enough credit to pull them through for that long

  • Based on shit math, if $5,000 is two week's take home pay and his ex is taking half then Ellis nets $260,000 a year net assuming 26 pay periods and grosses $400,000 assuming 35% tax. $240,000 net, $370,000 gross assuming 24.

  • While this is a lot of money, it's hardly fuck you money and anyone at the top of their respective fields is making multiples of that.

  • Throwing wrestling competitions "for the fans" is very transparent and rather, he needs to throw wrassling competitions and bicycle races to make ends meet.

  • The moral of the story is don't ever get divorced. Marriage and kids are up to you, but I advise against them as well although they are handy for deductions and exemptions!

  • Buy some WolfKnives which are fucking HAHD CAW and totally not a tryhard faggot name for an X-Treme company that sells garbage products and a doughy soft image


Are you trying to kill yourself? I appreciate you listening for me but i cant imagine anyone actually listening to it

He said on Jim and Sam show he is doing stand up gigs to warm him up for a one man tour. He is broke.

He said he was considering being a prostitute to get money for a big dinner tonight. There were laughs galore - NOT! He stinks.

Are you saying that the Australian who dropped out of 8th grade to chase a dream of extreeeeeeeme is bad with money?

Look what we've got here, a fucking accountant

You also missed that no one should give half a shit about Jason Ellis. Neck urself bruv

That bike better have a cock in the seat of it for that kind of money.

What's an 8 year old sized dort bike cost? Are you going to put performance parts on a bike for an 8 year old?

I don't have $5000 lying around

Or, don't fuck up your relationships.

The autism of this sub reddit room *TM Pigslop Schumes* is impressive and frightening in equal measure.