Has this sub affected your dreams

4  2017-03-15 by NortheastPhilly

Last night I was having a dream that I was in the midst of an airport mass shooting. We were running away and it was really scary. In the midst of all that, I saw that a girl had this sub open on her phone so as we were running for our lives I start pointing at her yelling "PECKA! PECKA! PECKA!"


Delete your account

I saw that a girl had this sub open on her phone

You really must have been dreamin!

Hey now at least we have miss Raul Duke Gonzo or whatever she is.

Yes. This place help makes them all come true.

Every night I dream that b-b-b-boys get back together.

Did she have a pecka?

I had dreams about killing minorities long before I joined this lovely community. I'm happy to report they have since become wet dreams about murdering minorities.

I have many detailed scenarios that change over time. One of my favorites is being on a rooftop of a Korean grocery with my AR15 during the Rodney King riots.

A more recent plot I'm still trying to mold into a mini series involves escorting certain troublesome inmates out the back door of the jail and into an unmarked van. Depending on what part of the country we're in, they will be driven out to the desert, swamp, mountains, etc, never to be seen again. When a grandmother or baby momma shows up asking about the miscreant they will told the boy was transferred "upstate".