Sign the Petition! Gregg "Opie" Hughes needs to do a solo show!

0  2017-03-15 by Wolosocu


why is there a monetary goal?

Is there? I don't see one.

Learn to structure a cohesive sentence. Holy shit.

I literally copy/paste'd the transcript from the YouTube video.

That apostrophe is monumentally enraging.

Next time I "will" try to TYPE more "like" Joe. OK?

thats "BETTER" libtARD hill'ary FAGG

It took ME years to see "residuals" from introducing OPIE to ANTHONY! You redditards can't imagine the KIND of money they "owe" me! You are all brainwashed liberal clowns.

5 supporters! Only 9,995 to go!

Hey no fair it must have erased my post

Won't sign unless he promises to kill himself during said show