Jimmy's appearance on rogan has already done 250k in less than 24 hours

120  2017-03-15 by Dennyislife

Opie's has done less than 80k in 4 years


Well... Opie's live event is already sold out (tickets were sold, not given away). All the tickets to Sam & Jim's live show were free and they failed to fill the room to capacity. So there's that...

Was it good? I heard 1 minute of it and it was Jim speaking very seriously indeed about that 1 time he went to get tested for Diabetes. I decided against it

I tried listening to some of it live but I hate serious talk with them not even trying to be funny

It was good enough.

"Serious Jim" is a mainstay on podcasts. Anytime he's on Rogan or Carrolla he's the fucking pontificating kid. I think he's only capable of joking around with people he's known for over a decade, or while using irony with his anti-humor characters.

He should know rogen from the store. Diaz always talks about Jimmy opening for dice.

I didn't mean that he literally doesn't know Joe, I meant that Jim is only comfortable around good friends/co-workers he interacts with daily

The lady doth protest too much.

Jesus. Tell me Corolla trashed him please.

Nick Mullen said that the problem with the CumTown episode that Jim was on was that every time he would try to say something funny Jim would ask him seriously "What do you mean by that?"

Jim is super threatened by other comics

If you want to cringe, listen to the episode of Cumtown he was on. They claimed the last half didn't record because of an equipment problem but I'm pretty sure it was just so awful they realized they couldn't release it.

Is this podcast good? Because I normally listen to podcasts at work, and really don't want to bring up one called "cumtown". Also when they've had that comedian in (I forget his name), I don't find him that interesting. I just remember a long story about renting a room from some Chinese people.

Nick Mullen IS cumtown. If you don't like him then don't bother.

Well, he already does 4-5 radio shows a week where he's the funny guy, plus stand up.

He's sort of at the mercy of what people ask him. And Rogan is generally around 3 hours, so it's not going to be all funny. I was sort of hoping they might touch more on the Opie situation. It kind of felt like he said up front that he didn't want to talk about it.

At one point Joe "drinks" something out of an eyedropper... is this hemp oil? Is he not smoking because Jimmy doesn't?

Jimmy puttin up the numbahs

How long until Jimmy talks about addiction? I'm guessing 10 minutes max.

I hope they talk about the craft of comedy, I really couldn't be fulfilled until they cover that.

That's conveniently how long he was an addict for

I wanted to like it, but I could only make it about 45 minutes in. It was too serious.

Does he mention whats going on sirius xm?

Is something supposed to be happening?

It wasn't a bad podcast. Jim gets so wrapped up in his perverted stories though that he forgets to be funny. The funniest line from the whole podcast was Rogan asking what kind of animal his ex-girlfriend fucked and Jims long pontificating pause ''it was... a pony.''

No surprise, Joe Rogan's podcasts haven't been funny in years. When Redban moved out of Joe's attic the podcasts started going downhill.

I think Rogan has improved a lot. He's learned to let the guests do the talking, and he's cut down on all the stoner talk.

It's working - he's the top rated podcast on Stitcher.

yeah, when I listened regularly like 5 years ago every other sentence was about mushrooms or dmt.

Ayahuasca, you idiot.

Probs for attempting to sound it out and being so confident he didn't even attempt to google it.

tss why not nebraska or somethin..

Fuckin home run chipperson!


I resent you giving that shitdick Redban any kind of credit.

I'm just saying it was around that time because Joe wanted to do a more serious podcast.

Only people downvoting this are new listeners. The podcast was better 4+ years ago, when Joe didn't have as big of an ego about things as he does now.

People are downvoting because of the tacit endorsement of Redban.

It's not really a comedy show


Redban didn't really add much. He's really bad at arguing his point, interrupts with utter tripe incessantly and is slightly retarded. I much prefer quiet, professional jamie. The podcasts were a bit more varied back then though.

Yeah, it wasn't just redbans presence that made it better, it was the whole feel of the show.

Redban was the worst.

Go back and listen to the early podcasts, Redban is obnoxious. His jokes are only funny about 10% of the time and has the interests of an 8 year old

Normally Redban opening his mouth made me want to do bodily harm, but oddly the ones where he's a guest I don't find bad. I rarely finish them because usually the first time they get into apple products or pot talk, I'm done.

I've nothing against either one really, but Redban was like a apple advertisement. And I have friends who are daily smokers, and it just doesn't come up. What's there to talk about? Most people had this pretty much figured out at 17. This bugged me too:


First, I wouldn't be stunned if Hillary did some mushrooms in the 60s/70s. But either way, it's not on my checklist for a candidate. I don't care if they didn't. I don't care if they did. I would prefer they aren't going to be doing it as the president, but I suspect most people feel that way.

I had no idea there was so much Redban hate. I always thought Joe was too hard on him. When he comes back on I enjoy it as well. They talk about things that are not brought up on other episodes. I can't stand most of the drug talk (some of the psychadelics talk is interesting), but I don't recall Joe and Redban talking about pot extensively. And I have hated every apple device I've used, but I don't mind tech talk. The apple talk is not much, the VR talk though is interesting.

The last time I turned one on Redban jumped straight into some Marijuana law that didn't pass or didn't get on the ballot or something (maybe that Obama didn't reschedule it?). It just bugged me. I think it should be legal, but it's going to take time. And it's not all just "big pharma", because here IN NC we can't even get medical on a ballot. I think that's just bible belt BS.

What is more curious is why my phone decoded to capitalize "Marijuana".

Rogan sure finds himself hilarious though. I'm an hour and 45 minutes in and the next time that melonheaded cunt laughs super hard at his own joke while looking around the room like "why aren't you laughing at my hilarious joke? Laugh!" I'm shutting it off.

As Rogan would say 100x's..."hmmm"

Was a ok appearance, could have been better.

could of*

i'll take opies cash over jimmys clicks nigga

Almost all of the comments are about who Joe should bring on his show and aren't related to Jimmy at all. It's almost as if nobody wants to hear a wormy 50 year old pervert talk about how much of a creep he is.

You're barking up the wrong tree because Rogan upload commenters are one of the lowest forms of life. They actually look to him as an enlightened, all-knowing new-age DMT prophet

I havent seen it because how much both talk about UFC.

yuck, Opie was on rogan?


The amount of braindead pontificating that went on in that room on that day will live on in infamy for generations to come.

Two abysmally ignorant and uneducated clowns discussing issues as if they're experts. Vomit inducing. STFU and tell dick jokes.

I'll say this about Rogan: he's intellectually curious. If you come to him with some batshit concept, he's gonna listen and take it in. He might question the fuck out of it, but he'll let you talk.

I couldn't stand the fucking guy, and then one day he referred to himself as a "meathead intellectual." That was the key for me...He is smart enough to know what he is. That was actually oddly cool in a world of pontificating jerkoff comedians doing podcasts.

In that context it makes him more palatable. Peckah.

He also doesn't plant his feet. He went from moon landing denier, to after talking to Neil deGrasse Tyson coming around to saying "we might or might not have". That's progress at least.

I think he changed on Bigfoot too. Although there's an early XM O&A where he had a woman with a PhD in primatolgy call in and he berated her because she hadn't read the book he had on amazon. But I think it was radio/comic shtick, and he was reportedly very high.

"Hmmmm" - Joe Rogan

"HMMMM!" - Joe Rogan (on Alpha Brain)

I quit at the "stopped drinking at 19"

While I admit that 18 is young, I have a cousin who cleaned up at 21, and he simply wasn't going to live to see 25.

But my real point here is: why doesn't Bob Kelly get crap for this? Didn't he clean up at 18 or 19 too?

I keep using the word "pontificating" because Colin did one time and I wish Colin would fuck my asshole.

It was awful. 2 hours talking about Jim's inability to commit to a woman and his sexual perversions. Shit he's mentioned countless times before on Joe's podcast and EVERY podcast he's ever been on. It was Joe's fault, though, because he steered Jimmy down that path. He could have easily asked about the beef between him and Opie.

It looks like Jimmy has dentist's cotton in his lower teeth. That or chewing tobacco. He keeps making a puss-face.

Who's JRE podcast do you think will get more views? Jim's or Gavin's? I'm going to go with Gavin's. It's already at 1.2 million.

Yea every Rogan podcast lately gets at least 250k views within a day or two. Alex Jones' episode had over a 1.5 million within 2 days, now it's like 3.5 million.

This really isn't that unusual for a Rogan podcast these days. His podcast has really blown up in popularity in the last year or two.

Right about the time it turned to complete shit. Or maybe it just passed me by.

Agreed. I only really bother to listen if its a guest I find interesting. I'm not even all the way through the one with Jimmy yet.

Personally I can't stand listening to Jim on anything else, gets way too serious, insecure and pontificates like an asshole over shit he knows nothing about or has passion for

Awful question coming...... So, Rogan does huge numbers on almost every podcast. With the amount of views, d/l's, listens, etc. what kind of ad $$ do you think he can truly generate? I mean, realistically, even one penny, on Gavin's episode is tens of thousands. Or, is it based on how many times the discount word is used? I am truly interested.

I'm sure it's at least a hundred dollars.

Well he's got YouTube blogger numbers and that helps them have a pretty decent lifestyle without live reads and his other jobs added on.


This is almost 3 years old and claims that Rogan is making $11k per epsode.

He's got at least one guy working for him, he has a studio, but that still sounds like pretty good money.

So, the average Rogan numbers?

ok so opie did the jre years ago when it wasnt as popular. joe even said numbers have gone up 10x in the last year.

You're ruining the circlejerk narrative.

sorry, guys..

Jim is too old to have all these fucking problems in his life. He's fucking 50 years old. Oh he's so pathetic.

But I do love the jock-sniffing twink.

every one Rogan has done lately is doing crazy numbers first few days. He must have a new bot to pump them up.

i just how he gives a little cake to the chippah

This can only mean one thing...
Jim Norton is a star.
(brown star)