Reminder: Jason Ellis is a 60 year old edgelord who lets men slurp on his disgusting antipodean peckah...

39  2017-03-15 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

...and that's who Opie lost his channel to.

How's the view from that hallway "office", Tits?


Cant wait for Bam to take his time slot or at least have ellis force "the destroyer" to have bam on

Reminder: Jason Ellis had one MMA fight at this event : Sheckler Foundation: Down for Life – Fight for a Cause


If I gave more of a shit, I'd give you a gold

Whats even more humiliating is that Ellis is worse than Opie and he still kicked him to the back of the bus.

At least Ellis didn't ride coattails of talented people since he was 18.

Rather, I don't think he did. I don't know anything about him.

I do not care how either of them got there. Ellis is the worst show on the channel - Snoozeville

He actually made his name through skateboarding,,,by associating himself with people eons better than he could ever be,,,in fact verry Opie-esque

Poor Gregg he lost his channel to a skater and has to raise the kids of another skater.

Once again, Gregg was never poor even though he said he was.

Antipodean? Did you mean antediluvian you dumb shit?

Antipodean means Australian and antediluvian means before Noah's flood, so probably not

Antipodean means at the opposite end. Antediluvian means old, like his pecker.

As in, opposite end of the Earth, as in, Australian. Just Google it son

You dumb motherfucker, that's only for the British, Americans dig to China.

Just a tip for future reference, if you're going to call someone a dumb shit it's less effective when you have shown yourself to be a total horse's ass by being completely incorrect and stupid yourself.

Why da fuk is Dean against master po, he musta kickd his ass or sumptin...snort...dassa gud one...

You dumb motherfucker, that's only for the British, Americans dig to China.

It's almost as if they put Ellis on to make J&S and OpieRaadio seem better. And yes, it's worse than either show.

Fuck Ellis hes a cuntfaced polebuffer. I loathe everything about this faux action man. The only sound I want coming from this fuckers mouth is his last breath.

Also known more simply as Opie's Boss.

I thought Australia is only anitpodean with respect to the UK (ish), but looking it up and it turns out that both London and New York are roughly the antipode of Australia.

Australia would almost span the Atlantic Ocean. That's bigger than it seems on the map.

What was the question?

At least Ellis didn't ride coattails of talented people since he was 18.

Rather, I don't think he did. I don't know anything about him.