*burp*never go through someone's reddit history, Morty, we've all been to some weird places

0  2017-03-15 by MissRaoulDukeGonzo





I wish reddit allowed someone to downvote them out of their human existence. Fuck you.

If you found a magic genie you would waste one of your wishes on that?immortality? Unlimited pussy? Fuckin endless tacos? You, sir, have strange priorities

Okay, now I actually want the mods to start deleting stuff.

Fuck you

fuck this stupid fucking rick and morty shit.

no, its not clever / funny.

yeah I get it, you are going for something by latching onto this mess.

dont let the masses control what you watch for entertainment MAHNN

I've never met anyone else who likes this show


Never met him. I honestly stumbled upon it one night and found it to be a refreshing piece of humor. An adult sci-fi animated comedy? How could that go wrong?