A new "Fappening" celebrity nude leak is going on and our favorite comedianne iliza shlesinger is on the list

106  2017-03-15 by cbanks420lol



Does she give a shit? She basically posts nudes all the time on instagram.

I want to see her butthole. Some broad named Analeigh Tipton from the rumored leak list just got released so this whole thing is legit.

I need to see the Miesha Tate pics!

Where is a link to all of the leaked ones?

She'll care if her arms are at her side when she's topless. That seems to be a no-no for her. I don't think she's a big fan of gravity.

(to be fair they're probably not too bad without the help of pulling them upwards. I think they're 10/10 with her arms in the air, and probably 8/10 with them at her side, and she just wants them to always look like 10s)

Someone is claiming this is her

Those are some suckable nips.

Show us the light

Is this her?. Looks kinda like her. If so there's some more coming.

I would suck those titties dry like a camel.

Dude none of know how to navigate that fuckin site..

It's a message board.

Yeah and it's works great on a phone... 😳

I'm on a phone too. It works fine.

speak for yourself newfig

You keep us posted, buddy!

Especially if there is any more on Kirsten Dunst or Abigail Spencer.

Giada de Laurentiis Miesha Tate

Time to get my arm warmed up.

Giada looks like a popsicle with great tits, but I, too, would be very interested in seeing that.


Lollipop, you fuckin dolt

I guess I got my confectioneries mixed up. Whoops.

Sorry it bothered you so much, you queer.

Time to get my arm warmed up.

Okay dummy. Go throw a few around the horn. "Some 18 years ago I left my mother's cunt, with two very bad balls, and a dream to jerk-off to Giada de Laurentiis. I thank God that dream came true."

Not crazy about Miesha but I certainly wanna looky.

Top of my list is probably Carice van Houten. Already saw a good look at them on the show more than once, but I'll gladly take more.

Isn't that the Italian cook woman from the Food channel?

Yeah. Still waiting for Nigella Lawson to strip off them knickers.

Your task is to share when Giada's gets leaked.

My loads?

That fuck boy slayed both of those hoes at the same time what the fuck am I doing with my life

Haha no just Amanda suckin his dick. Separate set of photos.

Still, though, fucking dumb Karen from Mean Girls and the manatee man. What a crock of shit.


It's not like it even takes talent to play a manatee.

Especially when Kevin Smith is right there to pull inspiration from.

Wasn't it a walrus?

Walrus man isn't as catchy.

fo oh fo, nigga

Link to the 4chan post? Never used the site and am really confused by it.


Why can the legit autistic people who frequent the place figure it out? It's not a .onion Tor site people.

Archive.is that shit dude


Who the fuck are those people? I recognize like 4 names.

I wanna see Iliza put a carrot in her horse's ass of a fanny

Marissa Tomei!

Just watch The Wrestler.

She's done nudity before.

Slums of Beverly Hills was a body-double. Are there others?

The Wrestler

Ahhh... major aging there. Eeeesh.

Dude, she looked pretty goddamn good for a woman in her 40s. How many 40+ would you even consider having sex with? Women's sexual attractiveness starts to plummet usually in their early 30s. How many hot middle-aged women do you see walking around? Not many.

And I think another one in the 90s.

I forgot about that movie. Thanks for the reminder.

What's that movie with the guy that died...when the devil knows you're dead before you wake? Some shit like that. They opening scene is her riding some dick.

jacking the top comment for iliza shlesinger


non nude 1

Wait where's the nude ass? Still pretty great with panties on.

What? Do you have a thing for her?

Can we get some links or some screenshots here folks I got my dick in my hand waiting

They're on the link Carlton posted. Mainly Emma Watson Tits now.

what fucking link?

love me some Kelly Hu.

If this was 17 years ago she may have been the most exciting.

tsss more like Kelly Huisdatbitch

Is it true, Kelly Hu, listen to Husker Du?

Fawk yeah. Bob Mould is the king of all Bears.

Can someone just start posting each 1 here? thanks, youre a swell guy

Someone just posted the pic of the passed out chick Stinks was hanging out with in the Emma Watson thread. Show yourself anon.

Someone also posted a claim that they had tons of Erika Nagel pics, and another person claimed the Bam Margera Lynsi hughes tape was coming soon

Suprise suprise.. autists on 4chan also listened to o&a

I don't understand why everyone talks like they've never seen the Bam and Lynsi video. It's on the first Jackass movie dvd and one of the seasons of Viva La Bam dvds as a hidden easter egg.

Wasn't there a $10M lawsuit filed by Opie and Lynsi? If memory serves, the reporter (and Bam) said there was no video and rumors of its existence were just that.

I have absolutley 100% seen a short camcorder video of Bam Margera lazily fucking Lynsi hidden on those dvds. I dropped several adolescent loads to it.

I also heard that rumor about there being an easter egg video on the DVD. Like you said, it was some other bitch.

Celebrity nudes don't usually excite me. The thought of some hollywood rich-cunt doing a tasteful nude scene or magazine shoot and getting paid well for it doesn't do it for me, when there a millions of videos of amateur girls next door doing awful dirty shit just for fun (because they are filthy whores). So this becomes hot to me because it removes the veil of hollywood phoniness they are usually surrounded by and turns them into average attainable sluts. Sure it's an invasion of privacy and kind of fucked up, but i'm a total dirtbag. It's on the internet, I didn't put it there, and I'm not gonna not look. Same with shoe cam's and toilet cams, it takes a really fucked-up person to go out and do that stuff, but only a moderately fucked up one to enjoy their work.

You worded it better than I could. I know it's wrong but I'm still going to look.

I don't even think it's wrong. If you take nudes and upload them to a server out of your control you're a fuckin retard.

Especially if you're a public figure of any kind. You should be able to afford an external hard drive now. Quit it with the cloud storage.

Granted, cloud storage does circumvent events like [Kanye's toilet phone](time.com/4298815/kanye-west-life-of-pablo-iphone-north-flushed/), but the finished LoP was kind of garbage so what good has it actually done?

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the original Fappening go down because most of the people hacked had security questions on their iCloud that could be answered with a cursory look of Wikipedia (ie What is your mother's maiden name, etc?).

it is 100x easier to "hack" using social engineering than to actually find an exploit, find your way in, clean your tracks afterwards. Proper hacking is basically never done anymore, spear phishing and basic research, guessing and tricking customer service to reset passwords etc.. is the way to go these days.

Since you seem to know your shit, apologies for the litany of questions but:

  1. What would you do if you're someone like an Emma Watson or Seyfried, etc. to keep this from happening? Or are these attacks so simple even someone with a little cyber-security knowledge can prevent it?

  2. If you save your compromising photos to iCloud or whatever cloud-based thing, is it just a ticking time bomb ready to go off?

1) set HARD security questions, nothing that anyone but you can know, if the pre-defined questions don't allow custom ones (like they only have 10 to pick from) then use FALSE answers and keep track of them yourselves in a password application like KeePass or even a notebook in your locked drawer... "where were you born?" , use "motherfucking jupiter" etc..

2) your passwords need to be randomly generated strings or actual long sentences like "MyFirstDogsNameWasRichVos69"

3) treat your email that you use to sign up for things like fucking fort knox, that is the KEY to it all. For example use gmail, gmail will notify you when a new PC/system logs on, have a really tough password, try to protect the email address from public knowledge (hard to do), heck have multiples... one for communicating with fans/people/friends , but another email that you sign up for services with.

Those 3 right there will make you more secure than 99.9% of population.

Very few cloud services had actual hacks, it's generally always social engineering that gets people in, either through online "reset" password things or by calling tech support and just impersonating you, if you're nice you'd be surprised how easy it is to get them to budge when "oh I can't recall my security answers.. I'm so sorry..." , but I have access to my email, can you pleeeaaaasseeeee reset my password.

I'm a software developer and I endorse this message.

I'm also a software developer, and I jerk off in the toilets at work.

I work at Panera Bread and do the same thing only replace toilets with guests food.

Thank you for the reply.

I got a password manager about 4 years ago, and am shocked how few people have them.

And reddit is a cunt with their emails and I am a dumbass hence my new account.

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they are celebrities, not IT professionals. These devices often suggest it as the way to go to backup your data, users have little understanding of what it really means and assume their data is as safe as anything with security question of "what city you were born in" and password of "password". It's not just them, it's most humans that are this stupid.

Pure poetry.

I like them because I like knowing they know some sick dumb asshole like me is looking at them and going "meh."

On a personal level I like seeing that no matter how rich and successful a woman is she is determined to take narcissistic photos of herself and just have them hanging around or sends them to people, even after all the scandals and leaks. Women really are fucking stupid.

That's the thing, most of Hollywood's "hot babes" aren't that hot (super models not included their entire job is being hot). They're usually awkward former drama-club geeks who with the best stylists and make-up artists in the world become 8-9's when they were normally 5-6's. So all of a sudden you see them in sweatpants and a t-shirt, no make-up, it's like "I'd hit it, but still rather fuck that cute slut who works at the grocery store"

I wouldn't even say they're drama club geeks, I think that's giving a lot of them too much credit. They're literally whores. I see Scarlett Johansson and I assumed she sucked dick to get there. She's not very good and I can't imagine how she got there any other way.

Emma Watson literally takes the same sad ass style photos as high school girls getting begged by their friend to show something. Even if some of them were never sent out, they reek of insecurity.

Something about her photos especially just struck me as sad.

So i'm not the only one who kind of got a Danni Go-Lightly vibe from Emma Watson's bikini fitting shots?

Yeah, I can see that.

I always have found Watson cute, and since I am a fucking oddball, I thought her weird ass looked good. But I am also thinking, you have $70 million in the bank and notoriety, get some goddamn 2-step authentication.

I'd say she is way hotter than dani, especially from a prettiness factor: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d3/f6/63/d3f663367ba3d578d9e6a6b28a999574.jpg

Unfortunately I saw this video of her "rapping" with some faggot I can no longer look at her without disgust. Seriously, take a depp breath cause this is gonna suck:


Man. Lin-Manuel Miranda is a major league fag.

He's a preppy jerkoff, but since he's doesn't look like one, he gets away with it.

Like when people would tell me Obama was "cool" (like that is supposed to matter in that office) but he had the CV and temperment of an uptight professor. Seeing him pander to rappers and the like was laughable because the only thing they had in common was skin color.

Speaking of Scar Jo in the new "ghost in the shell" trailer she wears some skin white skin tight suit that makes my penis feel some sort of way. 20 seconds in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4VmJcZR0Yg

Also the movie looks pretty cool.

super models not included their entire job is being hot

Their entire job is being a human clotheshanger with an "interesting" face.

Iliza is a supporter of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Just pretend you care about those little explosive brown kids if you feel bad for fapping.

A tip of the hat to pecka over in /b/ talking about a possible ladi di leak

I accept your tip, good sir.

I posted a Lady Di photo in the Emma Watson thread, so maybe this is something different.

It was.

Well played, boys.

bubs out?

Marisa Tomei

Finally, a little class amongst these fappenings. I hear I'm her type.

If said Tate pics pop up..you'd be a pal right?


Any luck?

Nothing so far. Rumor is there will be more leaks in the next few days.

Id so rather hear my dick come out of her mouth than any jokes.

Since you have it covered, I'm going to delete my thread, just in case.

if you leak the pics yourself, is it really considered a fappening?

yeesh, whats up with ass 2


Women are slobs who are obsessed with sex and use it as currency.


I didn't say it was a bad thing.



will fap to GIADA

Nigga, wtf is Giada?



hey now

It's like mean Chik-Fil-A

Wait, the cook Giada? She made the list? (at work, I'm a loser)

what is the source of this. what other big names are involved. i need to know these answers

There's a bunch more.

Should we be posting this stuff here though? They've shut down subs over this stuff before. I don't want this place to get shut down over some leaked tits.

Considering 1/2 of the duo this sub is named for, tits might be the last stand.

I do. Opie and Anthony got into trouble more than once because of sex stunts, including getting fired, and it would be poetic if that's what got us shut down, too.

I might just keep it up for 2 or 3 hours then delete. uploading backups of other celebrities too

We'd absolutely be shut down. A link to a site is one thing, but the actual pics is a no no.

Good thing nobody posted them here.

Emma WATson? are ya deaf er sumpthin?

You herd what i said?

I'll save em all and put them up to

[http://i.imgur.com/9XQnj3h.png](lol, you fucking asshole)

Appreciate it dude... but when I look at celebrity nudes, I like the celeb to be fuckin NAKED!!!!!!!!

I said they were shit.

why these chicks always snapping shots of their undies and tits

guess if i wasn't a slobbo i would snap a bunch of dick picks or something.

You hang in there, E-rock. Keep dancing to the elephant walk and you'll be svelt in no time.

Remember when Jimmy and the boys fawned over Scarlett Johansson's leaked nudes and then when the fappening came out Jimmy said he didn't look at them because it didn't feel right?

What a complete faggot

I wonder what his reaction to this will be?

He's completely full of shit that he didn't look. He was basically white knighting for those broads because he still thinks he has a chance in hollywood. He might disagree with the ethics of it (moral Jimmy) but he's too much of a pervert with no self control not to look. He has gone on ad nauseum about his own paranoia about privacy issues with his phone. Trust me Jim, NO ONE wants to hack you! Mainly due to your irrelevance, but the rest of us know you have a thousand dick pics and a handful of pictures of 6's.

I remember him being fake-casual about some of the original fappening pics.

"Oh, yeah; I did see that one", like he just happened to be walking by as someone had that exact picture up on their computer.

I don't know who any of these guys are.

Where is the link where this is all going down

Oh its 4chan. Which section in forchan

i'll upload amanda seyfriend including justin long get his pecka sucked

please for the love of Pete upload that

Sorry i'm late but I put them up top for yah.

Thanks pal. KEEP EM "CUMING" IF YOU COULD (see what I did there?)...

Yeah you said CUM in a sexy way to another man you fuckin homo


The Amanda Seyfried stuff is gone. Goddamn it

Young man, would you like to see Miss Seyfried fellating?

Step inside.

She's suckin' his peckah.


What happenes to your twitter account and do you have a link to the mother load? Are there more leaks coming?

Some joker posted this. Jesus....


Talk about a boner killer. Did you notice her food is eaten up in the lower right? I did.

Schumer ones are popping up, but I'll be damned if I'm the one to post them.

Are those the ones taken by Hubble?

There's a schumer pic in the leaks. I feel like I looked into the ark of the covenant. Why didn't I cover my eyes?

it's from her instagram

Hortons new special isnt bad at all. Might be his best one.

IM gonna go back to watching it. Someone let me know when they drop the Marissa Tomei dump.

Unless it's from 1995 who gives a fuck. I saw The Wrestler already.

Thanks buddy!

Anyone who posts sends any of these to her on twitter is a fucking narc.

Shes only 34 but already as that Madonna mix of rope-y muscle and old lady skin.

Rhona Mitra's tits are disappointing as fuck.

I have no idea who any of these cunts are.

Amanda Seyfried sucking Justin long's dick on a canoe out in the middle of some body of water is so romantic.

I know it's a private moment among attractive adults that shouldn't have been exposed, but preserving those images for posterity had a greater likelihood of them being embarrassed after it leaked than providing a useful, visual reminder of what a hot moment it was. Hey honey, remember when you blew me on the canoe? Let's huddle around my screen and reminisce. Don't worry, I put some unorthodox characters in my cloud password.

Is this real life cause I need to see this


If he's got such a long dick, how come his name is Justin? Tsss

I don't even know who more than half these bitches are.

Alexandra Dadarrio please!

These celebs must be paranoid at all times about leaving a digital trace. Probably wondering if the array of expensive devices in their midst have been compromised. Is my smart tv monitoring my every move? It would be harder to authenticate, but it would be great if racist correspondences or statements made by the more PC-inclined ones were intercepted and exposed. The ones who put up the biggest public fronts about being tolerant are usually clandestine Klansmen. They're like the men of god who fuck boys behind the scenes.

She took them tig ol bitties out in True Detective fam.

We need some fresh visual stimuli of them. True Detective feels like an eternity ago. How are they aging? Do they still have optimum hang?


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never even heard of her

Who gives a shit? There's tens of thousands of hours of much better quality porn out there. Just from the side of the person wanting to jerk off to these things, they are not efficient to get to and they're shitty quality. You wouldn't put up with this from regular porn companies, yet they're an event now and we should all lose our shit? Who cares?

I also recognised 2 people at most from the list of names. The celebrity appeal is hardly there if I have to look up the bitch.

Post the direct link to Marisa Tomei's please.

No Anna De Armas? She's recently taken the title as "hottest chick in the game" for me

There are tons of girls in porn, both pro and amateur, who are better looking than any mainstream celebrity. What makes the fappening hot is the knowledge that these are things you're not supposed to be seeing. That said, Iliza seems like a slut and she posts revealing shots of herself all the time, so the bar is set pretty high to get me excited about this...like if there's a leaked video of her dildoing her asshole and then getting bukkaked, that would interest me.

Justin Long should change his name to Justin Girth.

How the fuck do I have a bigger dick that the dick that playboy model is sucking, Alyssa Arc.

I'm at work but do they mean Alyssa Arce?

She is a gem.


makes sense.

Analeigh Tipton is delightful.

Iliza is a solid 6.5


Slums of Beverly Hills was a body-double. Are there others?

I wouldn't even say they're drama club geeks, I think that's giving a lot of them too much credit. They're literally whores. I see Scarlett Johansson and I assumed she sucked dick to get there. She's not very good and I can't imagine how she got there any other way.

i'll upload amanda seyfriend including justin long get his pecka sucked

Sorry i'm late but I put them up top for yah.

1) set HARD security questions, nothing that anyone but you can know, if the pre-defined questions don't allow custom ones (like they only have 10 to pick from) then use FALSE answers and keep track of them yourselves in a password application like KeePass or even a notebook in your locked drawer... "where were you born?" , use "motherfucking jupiter" etc..

2) your passwords need to be randomly generated strings or actual long sentences like "MyFirstDogsNameWasRichVos69"

3) treat your email that you use to sign up for things like fucking fort knox, that is the KEY to it all. For example use gmail, gmail will notify you when a new PC/system logs on, have a really tough password, try to protect the email address from public knowledge (hard to do), heck have multiples... one for communicating with fans/people/friends , but another email that you sign up for services with.

Those 3 right there will make you more secure than 99.9% of population.

Very few cloud services had actual hacks, it's generally always social engineering that gets people in, either through online "reset" password things or by calling tech support and just impersonating you, if you're nice you'd be surprised how easy it is to get them to budge when "oh I can't recall my security answers.. I'm so sorry..." , but I have access to my email, can you pleeeaaaasseeeee reset my password.

super models not included their entire job is being hot

Their entire job is being a human clotheshanger with an "interesting" face.

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I guess I got my confectioneries mixed up. Whoops.

Sorry it bothered you so much, you queer.