So brave *swoons*

6  2017-03-14 by crookedmile


I bet she smells like a bay in North Jersey

More like Old Bay, no?



Thank god for heart disease.

also thank mr skeltal for good bones and calcium*

Don't bring that faggotry here you bot cunt.

Writing that article is meaner than anything we could ever think of.

Some of the comments on her Instagram are less than flattering: "Paving the way because she looks like a steamroller"

There it is, vurry good

Well that's straight up vomit-inducing

Bazaar? More like bizarre.


Jesus. I'll bet they didn't even try to remove the sweat stains on that dress. They probably threw it in the big dumpster behind the studio an a homeless man used it as a sleeping bag.

You know, when the mentally retarded kid scores a 90-yard rushing touchdown and the opposing team doesn't tackle him, it's a nice moment with everyone cheering. Poor kid isn't going to get a lot of super-happy moments in life, and doesn't really realize it wasn't a REAL touchdown. The validation is worth it.

But Chrissy, and Amy, they're smart enough to understand what patronizing is.

looking gorgeous in a corset, a swimsuit, a playful polka dot dress and one seriously fierce cat eye.

adding that the glossy’s desire to feature her this way was “incredible” and “validation.”

If one thing is certain, it’s that Metz has a totally rad and grounded outlook on the way she, her body and her sense of style are perceived by the public.

Like, she has to understand what's really happening, right? I don't watch her show but I've heard its a very sad TV drama, so I imagine her character spends a lot of time coping with her weight problems, but even that is grounded in reality and legitimate. You're being praised so that girls skinnier than you can read this article and go "she does look seriously fierce, and I'm a wonderful person for not judging her beauty based off her weight". Then want to vomit if a guy that looks like Ron Bennington hits on them.

All this shit does is give trolls more ammunition to go after a fat actress, and you know the trolls are the ones being honest. Not the affirmation piece from Huffington Post, the asshole on twitter with an anime avatar calling you a seacow. But you do it to yourself by scheduling the "sexy" bathing suit photoshoot and letting HuffPo "validate" your beauty. And I guess it worked out for Amy financially wise and now Chrissy wants some of that for her career, but is it worth it to have people either bullshitting you or just outright verbally assaulting you? When the HuffPo reporter goes home and you're all alone in your Tarzana apartment, is it still all smiles and confidence? Shit.

Little wordy, don't ya think?

This one's a regular Hemingway

Someone on this sub always cries if I type more than 140 characters at a time.

We'll listen to hours and hours and hours of radio broadcasts covering every subject but I write three paragraphs on phony praise for an obese actress and everyone loses their minds.

I would have tackled that retard as he ran for a touchdown. Let him learn life sucks and it isn't fair.

I am a liberal (yeah yeah, I'm a faggot and my dick is limp, we get it) and this is the exact shit that made me stop reading that awful HuffPo blog.

I watch the show, I like it because it's sad as shit. Her character's a woman who's truly depressed and hopeless (and apparently unemployed... she's never been at a job on the show) because she's been morbidly obese her whole life and feels hopeless, will never find love and has some ripped sit-com start as her brother etc. She's tried everything to lose weight but can't and a couple points she just says "fuck it!" and pigs out like an animal. Like you said, she turns down a fat guy a couple times, then she falls for him and realizes she can be happy (still no idea how they fuck) and tries to get her life together with a fat camp and some other shit. Good message, I guess.

The show does a pretty decent job of presenting the picture that this isn't healthy and "don't accept being fat" and "only you can change your life, don't blame other people." Of course not everyone's going to see it that way. The other morbidly obese people who are fine being disgusting are looking to normalize this by doing "sexy" photo shoots and saying, "she's beautiful just the way she is!"

It's so twisted.

When did you fuckers get so astute?

Some poor bastard had to be the one to photoshop out the sweat on her upper lip.

Anyone who looks towards models as inspiring is a fucking idiot of the highest order.

Fucking pig.

Will these magazines pushing these fat loads out as "beautiful and inspiring" be honest in 10 or 15 years and tell us when they die from being morbidly obese? Bet they won't utter a peep when these fatties start dying from heart attacks the way Mama Cass did.

The centerfold page must look like a roll of paper towels.

Kelsey Grammar falling off the stage voice Oh, good Lord!


Yeah, this 🐷 is a really scorcher.

She looks like Ginny Sack if she ate Ginny Sack.

"She's my FUCKING WIFE, Paulie!"


Video within the link is blocked in Canada, I think I should be thankful.