Opie admits he cannot do radio by himself.

142  2017-03-14 by Dennyislife


Gregg's made millions off of raqio and he is completely inadequate on his own. Meanwhile, a talent like Denny is paid so little that he has to work a second gig. Some things are just not fair. The rich get richer, right friends?

Couldn't he have had Denny on, at least until Sherrod rolled in? Or has Denny taken sides completely?

Denny stomps on Greggshells way too much for Oqie's liking.


Haha! Wait a second! You're not Chinese! XDDDDDD


This nigga fierce like rion

Bit over.

Hey fella, I'll have you know he's been doing radio since he was 18.


I really believe you are Chinese if you hate N people

That's a good point, chink!

ching chong

Hopefully his corpse is waiting to be discovered in his apartment.

Frozen on a park bench, please.

You're always late, you're even late for your own fucking funeral.

Sherrod Edwards


Go'n neow

Dassabesso jusbloatinanrottin

Now he's in the comments responding to haters. He actually told one of them 'let it go'.


Lol this is actually pathetic. Meanwhile his former co-host does a show by himself daily

Shitty show, but still a show

Ya one thing you can't question is Ant's courage. Unless there's a black person in a 10 mile radius.

or a strong independent woman

Except Dani is only 1 out of 3 of those things (and she barely qualified as that).

You call it courage, the rest of us call it desperation

Plus how many times did he threaten ant and Jim that he was going to do his own thing? I'm still not sure if it was some empty threat that he said repeatedly or if he truly was stunned after ant and Jim and finally learned that he could not do a show himself one fucking time

https://twitter.com/OpieRadio/status/841694467367268353 and now he's saying he's going to go to ants house and do his show.

Where the FUCK is Ants guns when you need them

Please let Colin Ferguson out of jail immediately.

He's also a fucking liar. So there'e that...

Wow this guy is unpredictable man



Dis guy's gud!

Don't encourage him. I genuinely hope that he goes back to the bottle and hits rock bottom again.

Alright, I just downvoted him. Dirty chink needs to get on a junk and hit an iceburg.

Fat faggot needs to either call his father or hurl himself off a bridge.

He won't go. But somebody should wait at the Roslyn platform and taunt him on video.

This man is not mentally well.

Implying he's still asleep - just because he's a black man...?

I could forgive the abuse of the homeless - but racism is totally unacceptable, Opie, you fucking Nazi.

Best of? What the fuck would he even use?

Old OnA clips?

Of nopie shows.

A compilation of Vic "the meat truck dyke" Henley's greatest pulls.

Dead air.

Those can't be real people hoping that Sherrod does the show

Is it the same people everyday or unique commenters?

Not sure they're people at all

Are faggots people? Because if so, yeah, they're real people.

Announces he may not do a show, and only 25 people comment, half of them haters. I am certain he has less than 10K regular listeners.

And how is it he has had the same number of followers -367k - no matter what happens? Losses his funnier co-host - 367k followers. Loses the other funnier co-host - 367k followers. Loses his channel - 367k followers. Loses his time slot - 367k followers.

Loses his wife and kids...

They all follow him cause bam fucks his wife. They're bam followers that are there to watch the cuck.



Didn't someone find out like 60% of them are fake?

all those people follow him for his hilarious tweets!

It's even sadder than that.


Still only got a "Yooooo" from @Sherrod_Small Got to make the decision to do the show by 2

Even that dumb fat tongued negro is ghosting him, that's some shit you say to someone you don't really like.

Sherrod has seen the ratings, he knows no one is listening. When the choice is between sleeping in on a snow day and play make-believe with a delusional man who thinks he's still a radio host, there's no choice at all.

At least he had a filling lunch that he decided to post on his twitter like a fat girl. https://twitter.com/OpieRadio/status/841693291938742272

'Heaven'. The amount of estrogen this fat titted sloth emits is making the frogs gay

Yes heaven, 2 slices of untoasted bread and a sack of blueberries. He eats like a railroad hobo in the Depression.

Blueberries are a painful memory for him.

I thought these diets were supposed to REDUCE the extra tit fat.

Only gynecomastia isn't tit fat, it's tit meat. No running that away.

Lol... he blocked me for this tweet.

@OpieRadio Omg when u wore ur wife's snow boots bc you didn't have any then told us about it for two days. That was the best radio ever!! 🤣😘

He must be getting his period if his breasts are this sensitive.

Just tell him you were serious and that you use to be a hater but he's won you over - he loves those sorts of tweets.

How? I refuse to call in and he's muted my other, MUCH more annoying Sherrod parody account. I even made my fake bio a ball washer's bio.

Wait, he's using that as his actual Twitter header now? I thought this was a parody account for a minute. Does he understand that series of photos was created to show how hateable he looks?

He plays up the stuff people hate about him on twitter because it is the only way he can get anyone to pay attention to him.



I'm going to guess this says "faggot" or something else referring to homosexuality?

Opie needs Sherrod because if he does the show alone he doesn't have a audience. It's honestly a insult that he wouldn't do the show with Erock. Like he thinks he's too good to do it with him.

Opie should know by now that "Those people" usually sleep till noon most days

I guess me and the n's have something in common

Besides a low iq?

If Sherrod had any wit at all hed make a joke about Gregg being tired/Dipaolo. With all of those extra bones that him and his ancestors have its a shame not 1 of them is a funny bone

Takes two boobs to make Tits.

Sherrod defending his massa in the comments.


Thank god sherrods around to hold his hand.

This is something weveall always known. Anyone have that clip where ant is out and jimmy is still in the bathroom and opie panics and sounds so pathetic and begs erock to come in and save him

On one of his first afternoon shows Vic the hick was running late and he literally rambled incoherently for 20 seconds before saying "Erock, come sit and join the hang". Erock was reluctant but he literally wouldn't stop harassing him until he sat down


I cant help but think of fez during his breakdown and the few times ronnie got fed up and told fez to take the mic. If opie didnt have the dadhumor truckers to go to on the phones he would be much worse.

Run with the stick Fez. Get on that stick Fezzie!

Opies pinned tweet has zero rts or likes.

Sherrod Comments back: "Let the record show i was ready" What's going on Opster!? https://twitter.com/Sherrod_Small/status/841728204587036677


Anthony does a show four days a week, mostly on his own. Jimmy did his advice show. Granted, neither of these are good products but like Randall P McMurphy, at least they tried goddamit, at least they did that.

Tits is a coward who, deep down, knows he would eat dick hard if he had to do a solo show. His "I've been fawkin doing this since I was 18" bravado bullshit is just that. He is, like Dice said, about as insecure as a man can be. He secretly knows he fucking stinks and it bothers him tremendously.

There are plenty of amateurs who do podcasts by themselves. I can do at least one fucking show on my own.

He should look at bringing Brian Gilgore on board.

So did opie not do a show today cause mushmouth didnt show? Dont have sirius.



Wow. Every time i think Opie cannot provide more fuel for us to laugh at him he manages it. Impressive.

Posting glamour shots like Chris Distefano and Vic Henley are stars the likes of David Duchovny is hilarious.

Opie sure loves playing old shows from 2015 and 2016 as long as Jimmy's not present in them.

I remember a few years before Anthony got fired, Opie was floating the bright idea that they should split with each of them on during different parts of the day. When Ant got canned, Opie pretended to be upset for a while, but when he let his true feelings be known, it turned out that he was pretty much glad he was gone. He acted as if Ant was holding him back and somehow he really believed that nothing would change for him without Anthony. He though the show would be just as popular and that he'd still have the ability to negotiate the same salary he could get when he was part of the O and A brand.

Now this talentless, arrogant, delusional asshole, who used to brag about how great he was at radio can't even do a single show on his own. Fuck you Opie, just admit you suck and that not begging your bosses at SiriusXM to keep Anthony was the worst mistake of your life.

Don't forget about the "reinvention" featuring those Fat Stangel Brothers TM

I almost did forget about them, but if I recall correctly that was Opie's glorious ''managment loves the new direction of the show'' phase.

I thought management was really happy with the direction of the show?

30 years in radio, and this talent less fuck cannot even do a few hours on his own. As already pointed out, Anthony and Jim have done solo shows.

Opie would have failed at even local DJ radio. He has ridden others talents to get where he is, namely Anthony and Jims. Him being totally unable to do a solo show proves that he is shit.

30 years in radio, and this talent less fuck cannot even do a few hours on his own. As already pointed out, Anthony and Jim have done solo shows.

and Bobo

Even worse, he has NO back ups for Sherrod Small? There's 5000 comics in New York that are not only funnier than him, but would walk over 2 miles of broken glass to be on that fucking show. How about you have an understudy for the guy or call someone else? How fucking lazy/unprepared is this dumb bastard.

this fool has a career that has made him millions by stomping on homeless cakes and gives him a glorious house in NYC...

life is pure chaos. there is no right and wrong. the only certainty is that it ends.


Opie is close to a nervous breakdown. No question.

One of the comments: "how bout 3 hours of Opie and the callers..."

I love you guys.

How can it be that Sherrod is late? The schwoogies are known for being punctual.

Fucking Sherrod feeding the trolls lol

sherrod looks to be defending opie. can't let that $80 per show go away

Think of how much chiggen frum pobeyes he could luhhhhhhhhhhhhh for dem righteous bucks.

whoever tweeted "how about Opie and the callers for 3 hours?" made me laugh pretty hard

In all seriousness, isn't this something Sirius/XM could legitimately fire or at least reprimand him for? It's his fucking job and it sounds like he was there. This is much worse than breaking into Howard's studio. Jesus Opie just fucking quit.

Guess Sherrod is getting the no-eye-contact-from-Opie treatment next time he's in.

Can someone send that tweet to sirius and show them THAT is the guy they've been giving millions to for years? He can't do a ONE radio show by himself. He needs an opener to help him out or a chef? Wow

He could do it if he did any show prep like he used it.

He must realize how pathetic he is, right?




You know you do a quality show when whether or not you're going live on the air depends on whether or not Sherrod Small hits the snooze button.

Looks like I'm late to this thread but Opie has said this on the air. I don't recall if this was before or after the contract but Ope was by himself and was PANICKING. Sherrod or Vic were in traffic running late, so Ope was keeping the start music playing and yelling for Kenny, Kenny was gone and Some intern off mic was saying nobody was in the room and Opie said "what? I can't do this on my own" then Kenny showed up and I tuned out. Thanks. Hope you guys have a nice Easter.

Opie has a good deal. If i couldn't do my job, I'd be fired but Opie gets to take a vacation day when he can't find someone to coast on.

You could have left "by himself" off the title and it would be a closer representation of reality.

haha holy shit...that title is 100% accurate


Haha! Wait a second! You're not Chinese! XDDDDDD


Not sure they're people at all

This nigga fierce like rion

Bit over.

Besides a low iq?