Brad Williams is about as funny as he is tall.

20  2017-03-14 by coach_styles

I'd fuck his fiance though.


He's awful.

Do you think this guy gets a pass in comedy because he has Down syndrome?

I think he leans a bit on that tard crutch

I dont think hes that tall at all

What does his height have to do with anything?

...but he's short...didn't ya hear? Opie said he hates how people only talk about Brad's height...only to spend the next two hours talking about his height.

What a horrendous gaggle of guests this fucking useless piece of shit Roland put together. 90% of even remotely successful comedians in America are in LA, and we get Brad Williams, Margaret Cho, Tom Papa, and a bunch of other complete zilches. What the fuck.

Tom papa looks like he volunteers at his kids school way too much.

I kind of laughed at this title. Thats more than i laughed at Brad Williams on todays show.

oh dont you say that

I've now heard the story of how he met his fiancee 3 different times. I turned off the show yesterday when he started talking about it again. Not funny.

You're a racis.... Heightist?

She's going to do what Gary Coleman's ex wife did to him.

Oh shit. I didn't know either until this comment.

Sounds like he's in for a stable life long relationship with that one...