Wife cheated with a black man

6  2017-03-14 by OpieHasTits

Should i just kill myself now? Got the noose tied ready to go. Handful of opiates to numb the pain. Fuck this shit!


Get back at your wife and sleep with the same guy. That'll show her.

You should really kill her instead. She is the one who committed the criminal act.

Just go find some bimbo and cum on her tits.

Apparently this has happened before...

If you have children with her, I extend my sincere sympathies and ask you to reconsider taking your life. The brat (s) will need a positive male role model, not one who smokes Kools and walks out when the going gets tough.

If you don't have kids with her, fuck it you're free! She's a cunt, Leroy did you a favour and now's the time to crush some ass, chum.

I get the sentiment to want to kill yourself over this, Im one of those validation needing idiots too. But I don't see why they should get to live if you don't.

At least it wasn't Bam

Stinks will help you castrate yourself for an 8ball

Gold please

If you're so smart, why did you go to jail then?

Yes that would have been much better.

The black guy will probably help.

Google says 60% are solved, which honestly aren't that bad of odds. Considering half the people that rob banks are desperate drug addicts who probably put minimal planning into it.

Just remember to leave the Schnoodle Gang calling card

At least it's not another Dead cat...

Instead of robbing banks, why not just go around robbing houses?

People who have the motivation to rob a bank probably wouldn't feel like committing suicide.

lol, this

the Black gentleman didn't cheat on him. Think!

Google David Foster Wallace suicide quote

It is spelled "exciting" you illiterate baboon

Actually, keeping her alive but permanently disfiguring her is better. The last thought to go through your head before you kill yourself will be a happy one: the knowledge that her remaining days will be spent in pain and misery