Amy Schumer is a fatter than a girl should be

51  2017-03-11 by Crownenberg


Bored today, huh?

Extremely. And drunk.

I will be too in the next couple hours, Lord willing.

I just took two vape pen hits of this and my head is swimming.

Island Sweet Skunk

Had an ounce of Island Sweet Skunk last year. Great strain.

T minus 2 hours and counting for my drinking to begin.

You should drink some more and then go drive around for an hour or two.

Are you saying I should die? Cos that's downright mean

Who do you think this guy is, Paula Poundstone?

Tss... Why not Georgina Ouncerock or sumthin'?

Fatter than a girl should be, but right in line with a pig.

I've fucked much fatter women than her so I can't say much. I hate thinking about it right now that I'm drunk

Been there. Then the fat French girl left my apartment door open after I passed out nude, and this was in Humboldt Park in 03. Fucking bitch.

There's no shame in fucking a hot fat girl. They're kinda like a mint gremlin but hey once you see one might as well, they're cheap and all. Amy Schumer just isn't hot. I'll also preemptively attack everyone that disagrees by calling them autistic and queer.

What the fuck is a mint gremlin

It's a car you autistic queer

I googled it, it isnt anything.


Try mint green amc gremlin. You're both retards, just on different levels. One eats pennies one eats paint chips.


Fatter than any breathing species should be, and dumber to boot.

She's braver than we deserve.

I like OP he's a legend

She's as big as The Rock but all fat.

ya is she the boulda or somethin dvv dvv


They should blind her cripple father cripple for releasing such a dumb cunt on the world.

If Patrice was still here, he'd probably fuck her

My gf (who never says a bad thing about anyone) saw the promo for her new show and said, "What the fuck was Amy thinking by wearing that outfit? She looks like she's starring in fat-Matrix."

post nudes

Ask and ye shall receive.

Oh. I don't thinks that's he meant at all...

honestly how fucking hard is it to lose weight when u have money for dieticians and personal trainers

Apparently it's easier to treat yourself to the tastiest delicacies of the world when you have disposable income.

Here's a novel thought, how about she pays someone to slap the food out her hand whenever she is about to eat something unhealthy?

and how!

These threads are so worthless. It's "13 year old who watches Family Guy" humour.

"Opie sucks" thread..."That is all".

Wow that's so fucking random and funny. What a fucking genuinely funny misdirect. Seth McFarlane would hire you.

I don't really get it either.

Once her profile dims she'll get lipo and land a People magazine cover about her brave choice to stop being a gluttonous blob.

If you've fucked fat girls before, why the fuck should you feel bad? You did something nice for someone. Or you were useful to a pig. Take your pick, both leave you coming out on top and knowing you're better.

Girl is like 12

The problem isn't that she's fat, it's that she's fat with the confidence of the skinny girl she used to be. Every one on this sub has fucked a fat chick, but the fact that she thinks she's worthwhile or marriage material is inexcusable. I don't hate her grotesque appearance nearly as much as I hate her inflated sense of self

Amy Schumer is fatter than a manatee should be

ya is she the boulda or somethin dvv dvv