
32  2017-03-11 by unclepaul84


Do you think she gets her hair done in somebody's kitchen?

She gets her "hurr deeuhd" sir.

I don't think that is her hair, sir.

How many Chinese women are walking around bald so she can have that hair do you suppose?

She gets her hair done at Petsmart.

And her dress made at Churchill Downs

Well that's where the fridge is.

Looks like Mrs. Beetlejuice

Is that who Ant was photographing in the big city?

Cruel and late. That photo is old and that girl was already teased mercilessly online for it.

I did not know that. Thanks for telling us, oh honorable member of the cruelty patrol.

You're welcome!

Psycho adults are one thing, but I don't see what this girl did to bother anybody.

To be fair it's hard to tell she's 16 or whatever because the fat deforming her face makes her look older.

Well, now you know.

Yeah there's a certain level of fatness that, once reached, renders the miserable creatures entirely identical to one another

You are not one of those microaggression safespace noids are ya?

No, I just think it's mean for no reason. She has nothing to do with O&A and did nothing but post a picture a year ago. You already know it was hurtful to her. Why pile on?


Because she looks like a pelican that's been eating diarrhoea shit.

Someone should ask Whitley Strieber about her.

She's got thick skin.

Someone needs to tell Bob Kelly that blackface isn't acceptable in our culture any longer.

duude you're a strong black woman, boom, you don't need no maan. duuude

Its like you left chocolate on a radiator then put it in a dress.

Still would...

Sell to japanese fishermen

Nisshin Maru can't support dat ass.

This is one of the best posts of the year

hahah this place is the greatest

"nigga just got a mouth and neck"

For real though, God be with him.

World Star got a nigga! Ribs hurtin, today.

Act like ya god... damn... nice

OP is a racist


She's probably a really nice person.


Robin's new wig is better than that orange one. Is she losing weight?


Hey miss, why the long face? hyuck hyuck hyuck

Stealing jokes, and stealing blackface....when will big Amy be stopped?

So precious.

Wonder who she got as a babysitter for her two kids.

what's that thing?

Gutubula the Great

...what kind of fucking self-loathing produces this disaster? She looks like the eddie murphy nutty professor.

I want to but I can't

Behold the amazing pelican woman!

Amy's been in the tanning booth