Outrage Is the New Black [Vimeo password "comedy"] - 2015 documentary with Anthony, Erik, Soder, Jimmy, Sam. What the fuck is this?

9  2017-03-11 by BabyDinosaurHead


Shit, I just realized this is D-Bag's final project for his degree. I found it while searching Google Scholar for mentions of O&A.

We know you are D-bag.

I really aren't. I bet he wouldn't want this posted on here- that's why he has a password on it.

If you say so. It's backed up now anyway. I'll share it when big dick boy removes this.

Don't do that- if he wants it down for some reason, I'll delete it, don't embarrass the lad by posting it here. This place is full of savages.

Too late.

Too late.

D-bag is also a piece of shit. He was supposed to upload a ton of videos of himself being humliated on the show as a part of his job and Sam specifically asked him on air to do this, but those never got uploaded. He fucked himself.

What a nightmare it would be to have this sub find personal shit about you. Not saying this is even that bad or anything but it'd suck to have people ready to strike at any moment lol

I would never share personal shit of a private person. But this boy is on the raqio and he made a documentary. That's about as public as it gets in my eyes. If Jim and Sam want to rip on it, they should be able to.

Yeah. We are owed some CSR lipstick vids as well you're right.

So I shouldn't share my video series where I get fucked by my doberman.

Please do. :)

Whose got the big dick?

Howd you find out the password? Brute force or just thinking like Rich Vos?

It was in the Google Scholar Listing.

I knew it, the directing seemed a little premature and sickly.

How'd you get the password?

how did you find out the password tho fam?


the password is "comedy" - that's what it said in the title.

Deleted because I can't read

I didn't mind it. Actually felt bad for Anthony and the Twitter debacle. And Jimmy as well. Whoever it belongs to should post it on the YouTubes. If enough normals see that shit, maybe just a few will knock off the manufactured offense.

Peckahs n' arf arf arf.



Good job, Dbag.

this was really good. I hope you got an A. damn that nagel kid has gained a lot of weight

He should be proud of that. That wasn't bad. Especially for a school capstone project.

those cut backs to Dbag cracked me right up

Holy shit Sam really stands out as an odd looking fella

This was actually really good...hmmm I wonder why? Anthony, check, Jimmy, check, Sam, check, Sex Bagel, check...who's missing that would actually make this enjoyable without their presence?


D-Bag's thesis was called "What the World's Most Unattractive People Think About Rape Jokes."

"Jim's perspective is actually pretty valuable here."