Gavin McInnes on the Holocaust

9  2017-03-11 by HemosPasado



He's so heterosexual that he can get away with doing the gayest things possible. He doesn't need to worry about being judged, he and his wife know that he's straight and that's all that matters.


he said he made out with that milo guy. as ant's dad would say, "Jeesus Christ"

That cant be real

It is and I won't stop sucking your cock until you name 5 brands of cereal. uhuhuru

Cheerios, fruit loops, Special K.... Whoops that's only 3, guess you'll have to keep blowing me!

Somehow that's even gayer than the picture

I'm a little sick of people defending Israel like they are Saints

But what about the 6 billion?

Well what about the gays, political prisoners and gypsy's.

Answer his question about the 7 billion.

The holocaust didn't happen...but I wish it did.

Wow, some braid shit their... cya compound....

Who exactly are you talking to sir

"i'm becoming anti-semitic" What did he mean by this?

I believe it means he's becoming anti semitic. Not sure though.

It probably means he has been spending more time around Jews.

Gavin has some sort of mental illness that makes him contrarian. Being against conventional thinking gives him a sense of superiority. It' similar to how conspiracy theorists think.

He is starting to hate Jews more than he previously did

It means he enjoys getting a rise out of his statements, he never grew up.

We don't have any Jews here :)

I'm sure there are a few...

I mean we have more black people than Jews:)

It's a liberal thing to dwell on the past? Most conservatives can barely get thru a political statement without bringing up either Reagan, the "good ol' days" or The Founding Fathers. Dwelling on the past isn't really a tactic of one party in particular. It's so weird when people are so ideological that they take something like "recalling history", say it's a bad thing and then say that the other side does it too much.

Most conservatives can barely get thru a political statement without bringing up either Reagan, the "good ol' days" or The Founding Fathers.

That's for sure not true

Trump's whole campaign was based on "Make America Great Again" (reusing Reagan's Make America Great slogan) and harkening back to Reagan and the 50s when America was the strongest industrial nation job-wise on earth. The Tea Party literally dresses up in tri-corner hats and cosplay as the founding fathers. There isn't a single conservative convention where they don't talk about Reagan and the founders.

You can't talk about the Rolling Stones without mentioning "Beggars Banquet".

he's riiight

I'll agree with him about how the Holocaust is over dwell compared to events like the Armenian Genocide (Cenk Uygur: Armenian what??) or the Kurdish Genocide by Saddam Hussein. This kinda goes with his idea of slavery being over talked about. I believe that he believes constantly bringing up tragedies inflected to a group of people from long ago does not do good for the mindset of someone who belongs to that particular group of people. It's like blaming white people today for slavery or telling Black African American Negros that they'll never achieve anything because of slavery.

Remember the events, learn from them, and move the fuck on.

Learn from them, and try them again in hopes of more success

Its because the Holocaust is an example of the dangers of right wing ideology, school push that shit for political purposes. There is a reason why everyone knows about that and yet the Gulags and other atrocities committed by the leftist utopian Soviet Union remains ignored.

Gavin just claimed in that video that in Russia the 30 million deaths isn't looked at as a bad thing. Lol. Wow

Kids there read the Gulag Archipelago in high school. So they are aware that its a horrible thing, it just loses its weight in the shadow of all the other horrible shit in Russia. In the US meanwhile intellectuals idolize communism.


It's obvious Gavin doesn't buy the official narrative, he just knows it's career/social suicide to become a denier. There's no scientific evidence that a single person was gassed to death at these "death camps". It wasn't physically possible for the Nazis to exterminate prisoners on that scale anyway. I don't care how much they despised the Jews, they couldn't bend the laws of physics and basic chemistry.

Really? Is that true? Legit question.

Questionable that gas chambers exist. Youtube David Cole

Hmmmm, I will have to check that out.

David Cole actually DOES believe gas chambers existed. Not at Auschwitz, but for example, at Treblinka rather. He doesn't believe it was ever at a grand scale, rather, rudimentary at best, and essentially a closed off room with an exhaust pipe to leak in gas.

He also believes the Germans did this under the idea that it was "ethical," as in comparison, the Soviets would just exile you to freeze and hunger in Siberia ("barbaric," not to German ethics to deal with advesaries in such way).

He covers all this in the appendices of Republican Party Animal. Pirate the PDF. It's a good book.

the proud goys are gonna start shoving dreidels up their asses ONLY to show how much they hate jews

I know this sub likes to hate everyone except Travis and Colin Quinn, but Gavin is one of the few fairly popular people who repeatedly doesn't pussy out on subjects like islam, jews, black crime etc.

Look at how much of a pussy Norton has become these days, never even comments on any of these massive events because he's afraid it will hurt his career.

Despite the gay proud boys stuff, I think Gavin deserves some propellers.

I think the proud boys are just a mechanism for Gavin to prove to himself that he has the charisma to brainwash a group of vulnerable idiots into joining a cult

It would be more impressive if he was an actor or comedian that has a lot t lose but it's basically his job and how he got to where he is in the first place.

No he's definitely lost a huge amount by saying the things he has said. If he just stuck to safe right wing politics Fox would have given him a job years ago (according to him) and I don't doubt it considering the talent less nobodies they hire now. But they can't officially be associated with someone who speaks like Gavin.

I know he could have a cushy fox job by doing the typical right wing stick, but he's better off on his own, working with or under people like himself. Only thing he may have lost is money, which he still has a lot of now.

There's nothing to "pussy out" on Jews about, fuck sakes. It's like the one case where the hatred really isn't justified. Gentiles who don't understand how IQ works invented conspiracies, just like feminism & the patriarchy. Also most people who don't study economics (even now) think middle-men jobs and capital investment are useless or even harmful to the economy.

You'll have to reset your NoWanks™ counter after this splooge, faggot.



I'd rather see Gavin McInnes in the Holocaust.