Remember when Jimmy pouted throughout an entire DL Hughley interview cos he didn't do his shitty Vice show

50  2017-03-11 by Crownenberg



Top cringe moment of all time nigga

And people call Opie the cunt. Maybe there is a reason many of the regulars are siding with Opie. Florentine was tight with Norton, but I think he has been on JnS only once, and that was a day Jimmy was off

Bitch Vos was forced to go to opie alright

J&S sucks 85% of the time, but Opie literally cannot do a show without at least two comics plus a screaming short order cook, so they feel sorry for him.

And they know while Opie sucks, at least Fuck Starved Jim won't throw them out to bore us talking to some porn whore about her "fuckin' nice meaty pussy", or have to sit in silence while Sam talks to some faggot wrestler about shit you should stop watching at 12.

Opie's show also pays the comics, or at least the regulars.

That only matters to losers like Vic and Sherrod. O&A wasn't paying Burr or Patrice and they didn't give a shit because going on O&A sold tickets. But when you barely do gigs you make a big deal about it like those fags.

Someone tell me where Sherrod is booked. For the life of me idk how he makes money.

A Google search shows he's performed one time in 2017. A Jan 27th show in Poughkeepsie.

He plugs nothing on his Twitter but Opie and Race Wars shows, so this is probably correct.

I really don't get Carl. That's the worst.

siding with opie?

Opies gaggle of hacks? Yeah, what a massive draw..

I barely remember not because it was unimportant but because there are so many instances of that I can't keep up.

Hughley should also be on that list of unfunny, somewhat successful comedians. Christ he was trash even on Tough Crowd.

Remember when Opie had them edit a line about him out of the replay and on-demand from this same interview?

Yeah, I don't buy the official explanation.

I dunno, clearly somebody edited it out but I'm assuming it was Erock or Travis doing it by themselves. Jim even after him and Opie had their messy breakup was adamant that Opie never had ordered the alteration of the replay.

Jim might not have known. But I think he's held back a lot of stuff about Opie.

I'm angry how Jim sits. Like he is holding court. If he even tried to sit like that with all his "cellar buddies" around, he would be destroyed. And he knows that.

This wasn't Jim's best moment, but between his remarks at the end of the show (about how much he LOVED doing the UFC podcast) and the video he tweeted responding to Opie's cryptic bullshit and eventual "words on the beach" video... I have a feeling that the truth about what went on there behind the scenes is so much worse than we imagine.

Also, when Anthony was there, Jim had a little more latitude about not being there at the very beginning of the show, and it was well known he was not making O&A money. He's never said anything about it (that I heard anyway), but he was sort of thrust into a partnership where Opie was making still millions, and he got a raise, but he's carrying half a show (or more, because Opie isn't funny) for a lot less money.

I'll give him a pass on that but when it comes to shit like shit it's like be a man, Jim. For fuck's sakes

I get it.

The interesting thing about the whole O&A universe (to me) is that most of us have worked with people we didn't like, for a hell of a lot less money, and it's not that big of a deal.

Because Opie and Jim have never worked hard outside of what their passions are

I actually do work at something that's a passion... it still applies. Sometimes you don't like people. But you're all grown ups. You learn to get along well enough to do your job.

Yes, but you never feel entitled though because you're 'living the dream', right?

No. I've always behaved as though if I don't do a really good job, somebody else will be in that seat.

As you should

Great job of keeping your head on a swivel

Suckin peckas?

A fluffer in gay pornography?

It's a union job, you never know where the job is. So sometimes yes, sometimes just regular porn.

I hear you. You have to do what you have to do. Those dicks aren't going to suck themselves.

Yes. You get your container of coffee and you get to work!

DL is such an unfunny nigger, it begs the question why Jim would even care.

At least black people know what 'begs the question' means

I mean they probably don't but I want to point out your common misconception

You don't have to pretend to be a white neutral observer, nigger. This subreddit is a safe space.


"Where you at with the police?" - Opie

DL Hughley is a prime example of everything that's wrong with black culture. This total refusal to take responsibility for any of their own actions or address their own problems, and spend their entire lives blaming "racisty whitey" for every conceivable thing. He absolutely drives me insane when he gets "political," Im just like "this is every dumb black guy." And I don't see it changing any time soon.

That said...I still think he's a funny guy/stand up, and his set in Original Kings Of Comedy is fucking hilarious. His crowd work was like the funniest 3-4 minutes in the whole thing. "You got some white-ass TEETH too, god DAYAM!"

Why don't you tell us how you really feel??

Whats worse is he's a black guy that made it mostly through his own hard work being able to be a rich comedian and celebrity, something you can't do in the majority of the world meanwhile white people and America are still evil.

I love how throughout the interview Jimmy gets interested in what Hughley is saying, then remembers he is suppose to be mad at him.

Wow... Jimmy looks like a sickly old man gurning his way through the entire video.

Another example of Norton OBVIOUSLY jealous of other people's success. Always finds a way to be the victim and he's a fruit.

look at the top comment of this post, fuck boi fans still find a way to make jim the vicdumb of opie, somehow dopie made jim acting like a total bitch

This has been my point since the Opie and Jim show stopped. Initally, everyone shit on O&J and said Opie was the problem. Opie has done some funny shows and some dog shit shows. Jim Norton is a horrible host. Best 3rd mic ever. Terrible host

Wasn't the story here that Dl Hughley said he would do Jims show and then pulled out at the last moment?

DL's "What the fuck is this serious...?" response at the end was the funniest possible response. Nobody's ever accused Tits of being a crafty schemer but he played the worm for a fucking fool here, made worse by the fact Jim had no intention of saying anything until The Psycho put him on the spot like that.

A rare win for tittyboy but holy shit did he get him good.

That's classic Jim and then when DL called him out he quickly said it was no big deal. He's a mega pussy. And not funny but i think that's pretty well established.

Jimmmy pouted, yes. But after listening, he had a right to be super pissed. They set up two entire days scheduled around DL, spent thousand and thousands of dollars paying crew and stage time, and DL does a no show an hour before and promises to come in the next day and does it again. Fuck him. Jim being a mope is dumb, and they should have just not had DL on the show. Every right to be mad, handled it horribly

When was all that explained? Link Fucker!

Calm your tits; faggot. Someone already posted it in the comments

I found it while you were insulting me :)


OOooh yeah I memba