Simpsons Shitposting(FB group) getting in on the Amy Schumer action

23  2017-03-11 by IrsaysLiver


those audience members are the closeted schumer fans of this sub who upvoted the 'fuckable' post.

Be aware, Schumer fans lurk this sub.

Nobody's a Schumer fan you psycho. After she retconned every funny thing she ever said (or Nick Jeselnik ever wrote for her) by saying it was a "Republican Character", everyone here hated her, and after her latest special even the fatgirl on your Facebook doesn't like her as much.

'everyone' does not hate her, there are a lot of closeted schumer fans on tihis sub you faggot

I genuinely don't believe anyone here likes Schumer in her current form.

Maybe some of the mods? SpaceEdge? Those guys seem pretty faggy.

The whole 'hate everything' shit is just a gimmick many of you play.

You claim to hate jim and sam but listen to that shitty show. Proving you have poor tastes, thus demonstrating liking Schumer is not out of the question.

There is constantly people here getting upset with people calling Amy fat. When the whole thiefery thing first happened, a significant, almost majority said "dont call amy fat jezebel wont like it and will call us bigots."

The amy is 'fuckable' thread is just another trick to try and get people to say something nice about her, and in the OP of that posts mind, encourage positivity for Amy once in a while.

It gets me sick to think about how low some of you will go to try and give heed that amy is 'kinda funny'

The whole 'hate everything' shit is just a gimmick many of you play.

Yeah you're right, we're just pretending to be miserable faggots who don't like anything.

We were supposed to pretend to be miserable faggots? I drilled gloryholes in all of my walls.

Sounds like a party.

There is constantly people here getting upset with people calling Amy fat. When the whole thiefery thing first happened, a significant, almost majority said "dont call amy fat jezebel wont like it and will call us bigots."

I refuse to believe that's true.

It isn't.

Big difference between thinking she was ever funny vs attractive a few years ago

Next time you guys shit on matt and trey (old friends of the show) just remember the irreparable damage they have don't to old cabbage patch face's public image.

Which season did they do the Amy Schumer bashing? Was it the most recent one or the one before that?

The recent one.

It's subtle, but repetitive enough where it's definitely a meme of that season. That entire season goes after PC culture as a whole, and like the fuckface above said, so many people saw it that it had an immeasurable impact on the youngsters/millennials still on the fence.

How can Schumer be on stage and in the front row at the same time?

Women have to disown her as a female comic, but they don't want to lose her because she still needs to be around to dispel the stereotype of women not being funny, and they certainly dont want me going "I TOLD YOU SO".

I think the best scenario for everyone involved is men agree that women CAN be funny and refrain from rubbing it in when Amy fails, if women can agree to let any semblance of fandom for her go and to let her die as the hack that she is.

she still needs to be around to dispel the stereotype of women not being funny,

If anything, she reinforces that stereotype. She is an unfunny hack pig.

'everyone' does not hate her, there are a lot of closeted schumer fans on tihis sub you faggot