Saw this the other day. I don't entirely hate them. Any of y'all niggas seent this shit?

14  2017-03-10 by TedChrist


this is the most animated I've seen Bobo

Fawwk yeah!

They also had big A on. Its called The Creepy Corner. Its on youtube

They also had big A on. Its called The Creepy Corner. Its on youtube

They also had big A on. Its called The Creepy Corner. Its on youtube

They also had big A on. Its called The Creepy Corner. Its on youtube

They also had big A on. Its called The Creepy Corner. Its on youtube

They also had big A on. Its called The Creepy Corner. Its on youtube

That's gold.

They also had big A on. Its called The Creepy Corner. Its on youtube

Didn't Bochetti died


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Didn't Bochetti died


bobo just rocking back and forth like an asylum patient in his own feces. Foreshadowing.

Anyone else fap to the strippers at the bottom of the screen?

arent those old stripper screensavers or something like that ?

I think so, I remember them distinctly from my childhood.

Holy fuck, I have never seen Bocchetti before. What IS he?!


He had a heart attack on his way home after doing this show, The Creepy Corner, but had emergency stent surgery and pulled through.