Stuttering Johns campaign website sure had a lot of money and work put into it

17  2017-03-10 by Anarch0renegade


Glad to see the guys from angelfire and Geocities are still getting work.

I had one of those. It the was the place to visit if you liked wrestling and hated middle school in 1997.

He's a man of the people. The kind of blithering retard the people of California deserve after 2 decades of old Jewish ladies representing them in the Senate.

I'm not good with vintage Stern stuff. Did he ever get naked or show his penis? I know a lot of other people have done that there.

Man, Anthony got ripped off.

This is much better than the website for Guilty By Association, and John doesn't even have a rich older brother!

He'd have a better shot if he ran for congress or state assembly. Right off the bat he aims for a Kennedy job.

Nah man, this website looks quite cheap and poorly made

Jesus. I could make a better website than that.

Fucking ridiculous. Why not appoint High Pitch Eric or Gary the Retard while we're at it? Stay home, John. Stop trying. You make your transgender daughter look rational and clear-headed.

Gary the *Conquerer

Isn't this the alcoholic that appears on the other alcoholic and purported Long Island Strangler show?

IMMIGRATION My mother came here from Denmark at the age of eighteen, found employment and worked to legally obtain her citizenship.

And here I was losing sleep over legal Danish immigrants ruining the country.

Saw him claiming on twitter that he's gotten "lots of donations from the legal weed industry". It's really pathetic when someone is too stupid to realize how obvious the lie they're telling is, and they're the only one who doesn't realize that everyone knows they're lying

His "Platform" page is hilarious. Here's his entire platform:

-My mom was an immigrant. Immigration should be easier.

-I got made fun of a lot. We should have equal rights.

-Paper is bad. We need more hemp.

-College is expensive. It should be less expensive.

-Let's overhaul the electoral college.

That's his entire platform. It's all embarrassingly superficial.

Well he's got my vote tsss

Good Lord, I know storage companies in Sacramento with better sites than this. What did he do - give a freelance web guy a tour of Leno's cars in exchange?

Gary the *Conquerer