Jump on that Viral Video train Opster!

5  2017-03-10 by Perdita101


His desperate neediness to go "viral" at age 64 really is pathetic. I hope somebody sheers his tits off.

I just don't understand why he does this

I have two theories.

Theory one: He's contracted with a company that deals in viral videos. They buy the rights for these videos to be monetized then upload them on YouTube to make money off of the Google ads. These companies usually have their own channel or just set up random channels for each potentially viral videos, but apparently this specific company allows other people to upload their video to their own YouTube channel. This way the legal problems are taken care of and Opie can make viral videos. He probably shares a good chunk of the profit with the company that gave him the video, but he's more interested in the numbers anyway. He's quite literally buying viral videos.

Theory two: He's gambling everything he has on his videos classifying for US copyright "Fair Use" law's "content with transformative nature for the purposes of news coverage, review or criticism" part. He's abusing a copyright law that was meant for content creators who contribute something and have good intentions but perhaps could be silenced by copyright claims, so they can have the freedom to share things too. If this is the case, he's trying to worm his way into going viral and he most certainly isn't being fair.

It's the first one. His particular YouTube network produces content for their channels to increase ad revenue.

He likes to see his numbers go up. That's literally all it is. I don't think there's some viral spiral/ad revenue motivation. He just likes to see a video that HE uploaded with HIS NAME attached to it that a lot of people are looking at.

I hate that I clicked and gave his dumbass a view.

As long as you gave it a downvote while you were there

Yet another stuck-up, overly serious, politically obscessed white beta male going yellow. We need to start a database for these losers.

Only Opie would try to leech off the success of fifty five second viral video while also having an advertisement before it plays

The Opster is a shrewd businessman. He used to have unpaid interns make his viral videos, but it soon became apparent that stealing content and putting your name on it was the wave of the future.