Compound Media's production level never ceases to amaze

48  2017-03-10 by Peckahnator


Love Tunisian Style

So, Anthony had Sue Lightning on today?

That was yesterday. Today was his niece.

I hear he's a lovely boy.

This is what happens when you hire your ex-cop leech to produce a public access show.

Compound Media is loss leader for Anthony's attention addiction. Most people with money would just fade away and enjoy life. Not this needy kidfucker.

If he had kept things small-scale he probably could have had the best of both worlds. But he insisted on playing media mogul.

A laptop, a couple of mics, and a small desktop mixer -- that's all this ghoulish fuck ever needed.

The recent ESD show was pretty dang good production with Esd describing his mushroom trip car ride with his father

Only reason I subscribe to that shitty network

yea its pretty gay

Nah, it was some who gives a fuck guinea hack and this mudshark from earlier came back to visit grandpa.

Baby steps,