Sam's 'suck at video games on youtube' idea is fuckin stupid

5  2017-03-09 by uralldiseased

Why is he pushing that so hard? He sounds like a fucking dope. Not only does it already exist, it's already a collosal failure and a phony cringe fest.

How do they not realize the novelty can't last more than 3 or 4 videos. Otherwise, how would he still suck?

As much as him and Travis like to pretend 'they're for adults too maaahhn', these games are made for fuckin 6 year olds to pick up and play. Jim will be as good as the average gamer after 20 minutes in any game. Which leads to purposely acting like you somehow still don't know how to hold the controller, after 'sucking at' a dozen games already.

Aside from the obvious flaws, yammering on about these childish youtube ideas is fucking pathetic. Sam is a total child with no creative integrity.

Out in LA everyone you meet has an equally stupid idea for a youtube channel. Sam sounds no different than my dead beat friends. I do love that it's highlighting major flaws in Jim and Sam's chemistry though.


If he wants to put out videos where he sucks at games, he should just start working for a gaming website.

He'd fit right in at IGN.

Sam is a guy that suddenly got old and doesn't know how to act

Cut your awful hair and stop wearing skin tight jeans you uber faggot, turn off the WWE and learn something, manbaby fuck


This is exactly what it is.

He's used to being the young up and comer who's ahead of his peers. Now, he's let 5 years too many slip past him without advancing at a steady pace. He can't rest on his age anymore as an excuse for the stupid weird sheltered life and interests. He wants to be cool, but he's disconnected from what cool ever was. He never was cool and he knew trying to fit in wouldn't work. Yet he thinks that caring about sneakers, rap and wrestling makes up a personality.

There are plenty of wrestling fan slimeballs lurking this sub. But to proudly recite the recent match card of WWE FastLane 2017 from memory is the anime cosplayer level of irredeemable in that "media community." They're similar, many people classify both as art, but generally they're retards convincing themselves that watching uninteresting uneloquent staged routines is fine past the age of 13.

Go on Sammy my boy, tell me about how much of an innovator Baron Corvin is. I want your hair set afire and for it to never grow back, replaced with burn victim scarring until you perish

His name is Baron CORBIN and he's fucking rad.

is he

He's the Norm Macdonald of pro wrestling.

Don't discourage Sam. I'm hoping he actually tries this just so I can laugh at it fizzling out in a month after averaging 3k views per video.

What are some of the other ideas your dead beat friends have?

Help Sam out.

It sounds like a great idea, haters. I hope he does makeup tutorials and reaction videos too. Youtube needs new ideas.

Everyone thinks he's stealing the bit from Conan, but I can assure you that he got the idea from a wrestler named Xavier Woods who has a relatively popular gaming channel

Jim will not be able to figure it out

Ever see that Markaplier? Yelling, making funny voices, and being zany is pretty damn funny, you guys.

The idea has been done before, but has a comic/radio host with a fanbase who knows and has laughed at all his quirks for 17 years ever been tried?

It would be easy to ensure he sucks every time. Just keep going through new games.

There are plenty of games that no six year old would have anything to do with. Hundreds of games are played by millions of adults in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.

Every single thing you have said is utterly wrong and retarded.

He's a dumb twat who's days are numbered.

I hate the idea that he is going to play online and be Chip to annoy people. They can just mute him. Also people haven't used mics online since like 2007. It's just going to be Jim being annoying to no response.

This was already a bit on conan called "clueless gamer".