Sam thinks that the show without Jim is just as popular, today's show proves it's not...oof

22  2017-03-09 by ricswrangler


Did Sam buy all of his clothes at Aileen Wuornos' estate sale?

This is Tuesday's and Thursday's outfit.

He looks like a character from that MTV cartoon show Daria.

Now this is funny

Flannel plaid proves this fivehead shops at Goodwill and Goodwill only.

867-5309 deserves a blow job from a swimsuit model for this brilliant reference.

You first

I wasn't being sarcastic, I was genuinely applauding his reference.

I missed the swimsuit model part

Just curious, Jim wasnt on the show today and Sam had wrestling commentator Corey Graves in, is that correct? Because if it is, arent we in proto breakup mode already like when O&A started taking vacation separate of eachother?

Jims on a promo tour for his netflix special. Sammy is flying across the country on sunday night to join him for a week on the west coast...

I'm not saying they're at eachothers throats or anything but just in that casual way, your partner is gone so you start looking at the shit you can do that they wouldnt want you doing normally. Thats telling.

No wrestling fag was on today. He had a comedian and some bore who does the news with her tits out. I'm sure Jim would've enjoyed being there to ask the skank self-serving questions while squeezing his cock under the console.

Its on Friday I see

Yes. Something to look forward to.

At least his hair/head/face look good.


Bet he can move objects with his mind

He looks like Aaron from Bane, with Art Garfunkel's hair.

No matter how the show goes Bobbi will assure him that he is the greatest. He will stop by her house for a very special meal to celebrate, chicken tenders cut into the shape of wrestlers. Meanwhile Jess will be at home taking care of the baby by herself.

That's a disturbingly large fivehead there.

I've never seen anyone without an actual deformity as ugly as Sam.

Even after all this time, with every new picture I am constantly astounded by how truly grotesque he is.

For a long time whenever a photo of Sam was posted I thought the bald Opie guy had branched out and I was really impressed with his Sam's. It was surreal to realize that the photos weren't manipulated but that's actually how Sam looks.

It's Mother Nature getting payback. He would have been deemed a runt, abandoned by his tribe and eaten by wolves 1,000 years ago. Modern medicinal hormones and processed chicken bites cheated Fate. Now it's time to pay the piper.

Not counting his mangled little peckah, eh?

In his defense, his wife is ugly too

This nigga head look like a slice of pizza. No chin having Neanderthal

I love Sam but he only fits in one niche exceptionally well. Anything outside of that, I can't be bothered. I love him with Jim, and I loved him as part of the ensemble of O&A. If it's just him flying the plane, I don't ever wanna go where he's going.

I feel the same way about Jimmy at this point too, unless he's got a great co-pilot sitting in or someone funny he's really good friends with.

If Sam's flight to LA were to crash and he was the only fatality, everyone benefits: - His wife Jess gets to collect on his life insurance (which is a bigger payday than she'd get in their inevitable divorce)

  • His son will only ever know the manufactured story Jess tells him about the great man his dad was instead of 18 years of never bringing a friend home because he's embarrassed his dad plays with dolls.

  • Jim would get the chance to redo the show, and, because his co-host is dead they'll renew Jim's contract out of sympathy instead of not having his contract renewed if Sam lives.

  • The listeners benefit by never having to hear Sam's voice ever again.

His forehead has a kneecap!

Holy shit it does

I listen to every live Jim & Sam show. When Jim's out, I don't care who the guests are, I won't listen. Too many other options. And I like Sam, but he doesn't do a very good show on his own.

He never did. Some of the aftershows were better than most full shows, as long as Bobby or Lady Di or anyone really was there. If not, you felt your eyelids drooping. Then came his night show. Oof.

Does he still have those losers from the pop station sit in all the time? Holy fuck I hated all of those idiots.

Jesus, is his forehead still growing?

He looks like a shit Klingon.

It was a tits replay this morning. What time does J&S start?

8 eastern, 5 pacific

Yeah, I looked at the "segment titles" in Sirius android app and its all Mike Cannon this. Mike cannon that. Fuck that.

Why do you think that he thinks that? The show is opieradio without Jim

Slow down. It's not remotely good, but that's like comparing a teeth cleaning to being drawn and quartered.

Alright with the fucking wrestling shirts already. It's not cute and you're EMBARRASSING your wife. Fucking stop it, I truly feel horrible for his wife that he does this to her.

why hasn't someone did a compilation vid showing how Sam can't sit still?

Even looking at this still shot here I can feel this ugly freak's erratic nervous ernegy. He's always grabbing at something, unnecessarily moving and rearranging something in when he's not adding in wild gesticulation for every syllable of every word. Eyebrows, arms, hands, fingers, upper back and leg positions - all go through a kaleidascope of shifting, stuttering change of for him to express a single sentence.

On that live set with Jim and Ant and CQ (which was boring btw, the Matarese thing was 100x better) he couldn't deal with being made to sit calmly on a stool without some board or objects to fidget with. He had to bring his little notebook. Not cute, not cool, not quirky eccentric, just queer. I really am not fond of this dude.

Sam "waterhead" Roberts

He looks like an alien from a 50's sci-fi movie

Of all the O&A crew only Ant can kind of do a completely solo show. It's not always great but he's the only one who says fuck it even when he has nobody to bounce off of.

Who's listening to these shows? Seriously

Wtf is wrong with Sam's head

You first

I wasn't being sarcastic, I was genuinely applauding his reference.