Old man Jim and young buck Sam talking about PewPewDie and gaming.

11  2017-03-09 by AVCHD


Sam is ugly as fuck and Jim is a dumb idiot and ugly as fuck.

Hey now! Sam is also a dumb idiot.

Sam pissed me off yesterday when he blew off learning about computer science .. just TRY to listen and learn something about a topic that doesn't involve men grabbing each other for an imaginary belt.

Is Jim always this disinterested? Standing up looming over everybody like a bored creep.

When Jim isn't interested in a topic he is angry that it's being talked about. Always been this way, I'm sure it's magnified now that he has top billing.

The worst is when he is "ooowing and awing" people in the room when they are having a conversation and the attention isnt on him.

I fucking hate that. It was maybe funny once but whenever a conversation doesn't involve him for more than 2 minutes he oows and aws and it makes me want to throw boiling water in his face.

Never forget the Nick Mullen interview

Jim looks fucking miserable.

What a fucking borefest.

Its like they don't like or understand what makes good radio.

Jimmy is so out of it it's almost pathological at this point, or he's lying to sound like some sort of character. On Wednesdays show, he didn't even know the movie "That Thing You Do" existed, nor ever even heard of the film Orange County.

He's been in a cultural coma since about 1993, like he actively avoids exposing himself to any kind of art or popular culture. If he was a dock worker I wouldn't give a shit, but he's been a working comedian and at least 3rd mic on a successful and popular radio show that deals with current events or pop culture for the better part of the last 17 years, isn't it part of his job description to be aware of this stuff on even a base level?

It's insanely off putting that he's this aloof, there's gotta be some kind of driving pathology behind his active avoidance of anything relevant the way he does. It's beyond a 'quirk' or a short coming at this point, would love to know the reason.

But dude, Black Sabbath is totally killer!

In the last 15 years, he's seen Crash.

His lauding of Crash as an intelligent impacting film makes me apoplectic.