Very Bad Things: All female remake

3  2017-03-09 by Ant_Sucks


If women are so great, why do they need to copy everything men do?

Billy Madison was a movie I laughed at, and I still laugh at.

Directed by a woman. But you know what? Nobody gave a fuck. It was a fucking funny movie. It wasn't a fucking statement.

Ghostbusters 2016. Directed by a man. But nobody gave a fuck. Because it was fucking awful, openly spiteful towards the people who actually liked the source material, and remarkably unfunny.

Ghostbusters was more a demonstration that women don't understand comedy than every fat drunk heckler from every comedy club from 1980 to present day.

The sad thing is, women can be funny, they can create funny things, it's just this current generation of female comedians fucking SUCK for the most part, 99% of it, and comedy for them (and for men, let's be honest, most new male comedians aren't exactly fucking funny, with few exceptions) is a political statement and nowhere near the vaudeville-descended performance art about dick jokes and self hatred that it really is.

I guarantee you this movie will be dogshit just by the thumbnail. Nobody wants to see a comedy where everyone's smiling. Everyone's enjoying themselves.

The poster in a comedy is supposed to be the comedic character smiling, a bunch of shit happening in the background, and the straight man looking horrified that he has to deal with it.

Black Sheep was directed by a woman who also did Wayne's World. Never knew that until I looked it up because women doing stuff wasn't shoved down our throats back then.

She also did the Decline of Western Civilization movies. The second one is one of the funniest films ever made.

You sound like a faggot. Kudos for the novel of faggotry though.

Tamra Davis, who also directed CB4 and Half Baked. She's also married to Mike D, the least whiney Beastie Boy.

So it's Very Bad Things with women talking dirty and a guy who will eventually at the end come back to life? Hot dog! What a fuc clever movie!

I'm fine when they take another shot at bad movies.

How about instead of remaking a bad movie, maybecoming up with a new, good idea? NO, that would require effort on the part of Hollywood.

Of course you are, faggot, of course you are.

I have to tell you I really have zero reaction to being called that.

A brave faggot. I bet he takes BBC up the ass with gusto!

Lemme guess: Kate McKinnon makes wacky faces and critics call her the greatest thing that ever happened to humanity?

You leave her alone! I think she's probably the only one qualified enough to be called "funny".

No, she isn't. Same for Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig

Don't forget about The Fat One! Do you think she'll be overly and unnecessarily sexual and talk about cocks and pussies a lot?

Was that a trailer for the trailer at the beginning? I swear I'm in purgatory.

Did you hear those swear words? Girls were saying them. I'm certainly going to see this film, because I'M not afraid of women being strong lead characters.

Interesting the way jewshes spend their money. Bombs away.....

Boys and girls should not have the same haircut.

the bravery of these women is so inspiring maybe one I can grow up have a sloppy cunt

Yuck. Hoarse voice horse face and arm curtain pig party with generic ethnic chick.

Zoe is banging, tho.

Gay guys and nerds need to stop making movies for a few years

What is with Kate mckinnon and the female remakes?

A brave faggot. I bet he takes BBC up the ass with gusto!