Mind boggling there are people who find this funny.

8  2017-03-09 by thecraftofcomedy


Rob Lowe... that's what I told the masseur before she grabbed my peckah... fawkkkk

It's Robe Lowe, and the store name is Lowes! HOW WACKY IS THAT

Unprecedented levels of wackyness

bowwwwww hubba didda dubba didda hubba diddda wow

I also found that JAM is funny

"Memes was a mistake"



correcting people on tryvial shit is literally reddit the behavior.


Too many people conflate "clever" with "funny". Don't they know that's Jim Norton's job?

isis please bomb us

Well it's clever and it's nice and nobody is getting hurt by naughty language. This is just lovely. Why can't more humor be clever like this and not dirty?

I don't know... This implication of robbery seems a little violent to me. As a crime victim, I find it moderately offensive.

Also they worded it wrong, it should be "IF ROB LOWE WOULD ROB LOWES" not could, anyone and everyone can rob Lowes, the question is how many if he would.

thats actually pretty tame as far as how aggressively unfunny facebook can really get.

I don't know... This implication of robbery seems a little violent to me. As a crime victim, I find it moderately offensive.